
Wednesday said:

Prometheus said:

rex said:
I've never loved the comics and I didn't watch the television series, but I loved the character very much.

So....wait a sec...if he never "loved" the comics (you know...where she's from), and, he never "watched" the television series, then....what "character" is it that he's "loved"? The Superfriends? The JL animated series? This makes no sense....

I think I know what he means because I feel the same way.

I like the character, but I've never fallen for her comics. Wonder Woman, has always been very cool, and I think she's been represented well in OTHER comic books, but I have yet to see a writer take her own book in a direction I could appreciate.

Ah, but, the difference with you is that you have liked her in other comics. In other words, comic books.

The phallacy I'm sensing from the quote is, if he doesn't like her in comic books, and he doesn't like her old television show (and besides hot Carter, who can blame him) then, at what point and from where did he gain his "love for the character"? From what source material is he citing? From where was he exposed to her to love the character?

That's all.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to simply be honest and state that he "loves his own idea of what he thinks the character should be"? Much like yourself. Unless you can cite exactly where you first thought WW was written "correctly" (and I'm not saying you cannot), your appreciation for the character comes from either (a) your own interpetation of what you think the character should be (of course, that interpetation had to be built by previously having been exposed to her in some source material somewhere) or (b) having been exposed to a possible undercurrent of cultural awareness of the figure....which, of course, has to originally derive from somewhere else.

I'm just confused by what I percieve from Whedon to be a "catch-all marketing phrase". Kind of like how Avi Arad can say a Marvel movie is true to its source material, and yet, be absolutely nothing like it...save the title of the character him or herself...