
Fused said:
Whedon Talks More Wonder Woman
Source: MTV

    With Joss Whedon slaving away at his "Wonder Woman" movie, the writer/director reported that he hears fans saying the film should star an unknown actress. "I completely agree with it," he said. "That's not to say I would rule an actress out just because she's famous if she was right for the part. But I like the idea of an unknown because these are some tough booties to fill. It's going to be difficult to find somebody who's beautiful in that particular way, who's got the presence and the acting chops and the physicality. It's a really hard role, and people have an idea of her." He added, "I think [the script will] be done in a few months' time, and then I give it to the studio and they'll say, 'Boy, is it not done!' So, you know, it's a process. It should take some time, but I'm well into it, and I'm having the time of my life."

If The Translator were here he would say:

Translation......I haven't done shit except spend the money the studio advanced me on cocaine and hookers.....I have no idea what I'm doing.