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I don't know why her hands would be bleeding from molding clay? the rest is good.
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Working that hard, and that fast, her hands would definitely be cut in places from the sharpness of dry clay. At least, that's what I would expect... Quote:
Adrian Tullberg said: Ages ago, I wrote two scenes that I thought should be in the movie.
A beach, more of a small inlet, low tide. PAN UP to a figure in the distance, walking down to the beach.
A woman, carrying herself with a regal air.
Wrapped in a purple robe, she lowers herself down to the sand, then heads to a section of dirt and clay.
Dropping to her knees, she starts to scoop up large sections of dirt and clay with her hands.
The woman has set up BURNING TORCHES around the area where she is working. A small recess in the grounds has been filled with water.
The clay has been moulded into a large shape. The woman continues working on it, periodically dipping her fingers into the recess to facilitate her efforts.
The only sound is that of the WAVES BREAKING
The clay is taking the shape of a small humanoid - no discernible features.
The figure has grown more distinct.
The woman is covered in dirt, grime and her own sweat.
The figure is that of an infant girl, but still crude.
The woman tugs her robe in tighter against the cold of the night.
Her hands are BLEEDING from several places.
She continues, her actions taking on more urgency.
As the first day's light touches the beach, we see the woman, obviously fatigued, trying to work as quickly and as well as possible.
The clay figure is now a perfect replica of an infant - wrinkles, fingernails, hints of lips and teeth, so forth.
Hands and arms caked with clay, dirt, grime and blood, the woman raises the figure with infinite care, while standing up.
The woman raises the figure into the dawns first ray of light.
The texture of the figure starts to grow fainter, lighter.
The woman watches as the figure transforms from clay to flesh in her very hands.
The woman lowers the now very real, but unmoving baby to her mouth, and GENTLY BREATHES near it's mouth.
The baby's mouth receives the woman's breath - and REFLEXIVELY BREATHES.
The face of the woman creases with disbelieving joy, on the knife-edge of bursting into tears as this little child moves in her hands.
The woman, still coated in the products of her exertions, is walking up the same path she descended.
She stops at the rise - and raises the tiny child into the air.
The camera PANS AROUND to show a woman, standing at attention in ancient Greek Battle armour -
- then SEVERAL MORE, dressed exactly like her -
- then SCORES -
- THEN HUNDREDS, all amassed on the plain behind the beach.
Several SERVANTS surround the woman, passing a blanket which the woman wraps the baby in, a goblet of wine, food.
The woman looks down at her SERENELY SLEEPING CHILD.
A line of granite pillars on a grassy plain. We pull back slightly -
- and a METAL POINT ERUPTS out of the pillar closest to the camera lens. Each pillar has suddenly 'grown' one of these points -
- because we now see that the pillars are targets. And the points are the tips of spears thrown through each pillar, near all dead centre.
An Amazon in a white robe examines each one, then holds up a red flag next to the spear that is closest to the mark.
Masked Amazons running down a track. They approach a wooden wall that is at least six feet high -
- they all vault it, like a hurdle.
Masked Amazons grunting, grimacing, as they push MASSIVE BOULDERS up a steep hill. The women in white robes - the referees - watch the proceedings with a critical eye.
Several Amazons, paired off, fiercely dueling with swords.
Adjudicators escorting - or carrying off the injured. The first aid tent has a morgue next door for convenience.
HIPPOLYTA watches the events with a faintly approving air.
A wresting match - one woman pins another in a titanic struggle, to the cheers of the crowd.
ATTENDANT The final trial, your Majesty. All is ready.
A MASSIVE COLOSSEUM. The seats are packed.
Seven bruised and battered Amazons - the finalists - are in the centre.
HIPPOLYTA and a retinue of six COUNCILLORS and seven ATTENDANTS enter the grounds, and the ROAR of the crowd fades to an EXPECTANT MURMURING.
The FINALISTS stand in a line, about a few yards away from HIPPOLYTA and the COUNCILLORS, the Queen flanked by three COUNCILLORS on each side, all facing a FINALIST. ATTENDANTS, each carrying a LARGE ORNATE WOODEN BOX, each kneel in front of the Queen and her Councillors, opening their respective boxes. The contents are unseen.
Suddenly, with practiced swiftness, the Queen and company withdraw an identical item from each box and point it at their respective FINALIST -
- a Colt M1911A1 .45 Automatic.
The Queen and company OPEN FIRE - they're firing so fast it's almost like AUTOMATIC FIRE. They're also AIMING TO KILL.
The FINALISTS are BLOCKING the BULLETS with their bracelets, their arms almost blurring with speed.
One finalist CRIES OUT, wounded in the leg. 'Her' COUNCILLOR immediately ignores her, and starts firing at the FINALIST to her left, increasing the difficulty.
HIPPOLYTA's GUN is empty. She INSTANTLY reloads from her box - which is FULL TO THE BRIM with STACKED, LOADED MAGAZINES.
ANOTHER FINALIST FALLS - DEAD from a HEADSHOT. The FINALIST next to her now has another person shooting at her. MORE FINALISTS are wounded, and fall out of the competition - literally.
Now only the FINALIST in front of HIPPOLYTA is remaining. The SEVEN are shooting at her, only to have their shots deflected.
The look on what's visible on her masked face is Zen-Like concentration.
Eventually, the GUNS RUN DRY.
The MASKED WARRIOR removes her VISOR -
- it's DIANA. Sweating, eyes haggard. But nothing can remove the victory from her gaze.
The Queen is suddenly hit with what her daughter has done - and what she's almost done to her daughter.
Firm resolve crosses her face, and she starts to move forward, intent on inflicting the Wrath of Mother -
- when a hand clamps on her shoulder. A COUNCILLOR's expression tells HIPPOLYTA that this is something she can't control.
The crowd starts to cheer their new champion, as DIANA is surrounded by well-wishers.
And HIPPOLYTA's eyes reflect her total DESPAIR.
Adrian, I loved it, especially for a straight comic adaptation. However....if this is a movie, and this is the first time the general public is made aware of her origins, and for some, the character outside of Lynda Carter, then....it's a bit confusing in places. Sure, I know what's going on, because I've read the origin. But, as a person who knows nothing about Wonder Woman, I might ask: What's happening? Why are all of these masked women running around and performing? Are they slaves? Prisoners being forced play games for the amusement of the royalty? How did a baby appear from clay? Can the sun do that? Who is the victor, and why is she significant? Why is the queen angry at her victory? Is that the baby grown up? Why doesn't the queen look older, then? Has time passed? Why are all of these primitive amazonian women shooting guns at these people? Where did they get guns? If this is the final challenge of something, then, why is blocking bullets so important? Etc., etc.
I understand this isn't an entire script. Many of the questions may be answered further on, or, before this scene. And, I'm also one who hates to be spoon-fed anything when it comes to movies or tv. If handled properly, these questions formed may well be key in holding the viewers attention (assuming they're answered at some point). Still, you understand where I'm coming from, I should hope.
All in all, better than what I could do... 
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Prometheus said:
Adrian, I loved it, especially for a straight comic adaptation. However....if this is a movie, and this is the first time the general public is made aware of her origins, and for some, the character outside of Lynda Carter, then....it's a bit confusing in places. Sure, I know what's going on, because I've read the origin. But, as a person who knows nothing about Wonder Woman, I might ask: What's happening? Why are all of these masked women running around and performing? Are they slaves? Prisoners being forced play games for the amusement of the royalty? How did a baby appear from clay? Can the sun do that? Who is the victor, and why is she significant? Why is the queen angry at her victory? Is that the baby grown up? Why doesn't the queen look older, then? Has time passed? Why are all of these primitive amazonian women shooting guns at these people? Where did they get guns? If this is the final challenge of something, then, why is blocking bullets so important? Etc., etc.
I understand this isn't an entire script. Many of the questions may be answered further on, or, before this scene. And, I'm also one who hates to be spoon-fed anything when it comes to movies or tv. If handled properly, these questions formed may well be key in holding the viewers attention (assuming they're answered at some point). Still, you understand where I'm coming from, I should hope.
All in all, better than what I could do...
Adrian, I thought it was excellent - especially the bullet/bracelet scene. Well written - I visualized it as I read it - it plays well as a movie script.
And unlike Pro - who did note that what you've written was clearly meant to be scenes from what would be an entire movie, but still had five bazillion questions - there are no questions about what's going on, as it would no doubt be explained in the rest of the movie. I'm also smarter than Pro, so that helps too. 
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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Sorry, I missed the assumption that it would all be clearly explained...
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Prometheus said: Sorry, I missed the assumption that it would all be clearly explained...
Sybil, send me friendly, flirty Pro, I like him more than your other personalities...
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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Oh, and how could you "miss the assumption that it would be explained" when you actually mention that you were aware that it was prolly part of a movie?
Is flirty Pro on his way out yet? o:-)
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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harleykwin said: Oh, and could you "miss the assumption that it would be explained" when you actually mention that you were aware that it was prolly part of a movie?
So, because I give Adrian constructive criticism about the parts I perceive possible flaws (as he requested), it's a bad thing? If Sr. Tulberg is half the writer I know he is, he appreciates deconstruction of his pieces to gain better knowledge of how to improve, faaar more than simple praise.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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Prometheus said: Thank god...now we have a chance of it being worth watching...
Wha? It's not about Wonder Woman anymore?
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Your death will make me king! 15000+ posts
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Your death will make me king! 15000+ posts
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By the by, Promuetheus is wrong. Whedon rocks teh big one!!!!11!
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Prometheus said:
harleykwin said: Oh, and could you "miss the assumption that it would be explained" when you actually mention that you were aware that it was prolly part of a movie?
So, because I give Adrian constructive criticism about the parts I perceive possible flaws (as he requested), it's a bad thing? If Sr. Tulberg is half the writer I know he is, he appreciates deconstruction of his pieces to gain better knowledge of how to improve, faaar more than simple praise.
And you ask questions where the answers, as you admit, were going to be apparent had the whole script been presented.
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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Prometheus said: I wish someone would print an outline for how to type and reply to posts correctly. Does it require emoticons to keep the peace? Why are all of my words assumed to be negative, cynical, or sarcastic? *sigh* 
LOOK!! ----------> 
Why oh why, do you insist on taking everything I say seriously?
Maybe I should use them more, since you never get when I'm teasing...
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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We should marry, you and I. With our communication skills, it would be the most passionate, insane, dynamic, sexually explosive week of our lives... 
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Jason E. Perkins said: By the by, Promuetheus is wrong. Whedon rocks teh big one!!!!11!
I hate Promuetheus...
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Your death will make me king! 15000+ posts
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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Prometheus said: We should marry, you and I. With our communication skills, it would be the most passionate, insane, dynamic, sexually explosive week of our lives...
If that happens, can I have the current Mrs. Prometheus? She's purty and obviously has the sense of humor necessary to be mah baby - hell, she married YOU, right?

Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Who will I break next? 15000+ posts
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As long as wonder woman is hot with big knockers I will watch this movie.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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Jason E. Perkins said: By the by, Promuetheus is wrong. Whedon rocks teh big one!!!!11!
We don't want to know about your and Whedon's sex life.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Prometheus said: Working that hard, and that fast, her hands would definitely be cut in places from the sharpness of dry clay. At least, that's what I would expect...
Adrian Tullberg said: Ages ago, I wrote two scenes that I thought should be in the movie.
A beach, more of a small inlet, low tide. PAN UP to a figure in the distance, walking down to the beach.
A woman, carrying herself with a regal air.
Wrapped in a purple robe, she lowers herself down to the sand, then heads to a section of dirt and clay.
Dropping to her knees, she starts to scoop up large sections of dirt and clay with her hands.
The woman has set up BURNING TORCHES around the area where she is working. A small recess in the grounds has been filled with water.
The clay has been moulded into a large shape. The woman continues working on it, periodically dipping her fingers into the recess to facilitate her efforts.
The only sound is that of the WAVES BREAKING
The clay is taking the shape of a small humanoid - no discernible features.
The figure has grown more distinct.
The woman is covered in dirt, grime and her own sweat.
The figure is that of an infant girl, but still crude.
The woman tugs her robe in tighter against the cold of the night.
Her hands are BLEEDING from several places.
She continues, her actions taking on more urgency.
As the first day's light touches the beach, we see the woman, obviously fatigued, trying to work as quickly and as well as possible.
The clay figure is now a perfect replica of an infant - wrinkles, fingernails, hints of lips and teeth, so forth.
Hands and arms caked with clay, dirt, grime and blood, the woman raises the figure with infinite care, while standing up.
The woman raises the figure into the dawns first ray of light.
The texture of the figure starts to grow fainter, lighter.
The woman watches as the figure transforms from clay to flesh in her very hands.
The woman lowers the now very real, but unmoving baby to her mouth, and GENTLY BREATHES near it's mouth.
The baby's mouth receives the woman's breath - and REFLEXIVELY BREATHES.
The face of the woman creases with disbelieving joy, on the knife-edge of bursting into tears as this little child moves in her hands.
The woman, still coated in the products of her exertions, is walking up the same path she descended.
She stops at the rise - and raises the tiny child into the air.
The camera PANS AROUND to show a woman, standing at attention in ancient Greek Battle armour -
- then SEVERAL MORE, dressed exactly like her -
- then SCORES -
- THEN HUNDREDS, all amassed on the plain behind the beach.
Several SERVANTS surround the woman, passing a blanket which the woman wraps the baby in, a goblet of wine, food.
The woman looks down at her SERENELY SLEEPING CHILD.
A line of granite pillars on a grassy plain. We pull back slightly -
- and a METAL POINT ERUPTS out of the pillar closest to the camera lens. Each pillar has suddenly 'grown' one of these points -
- because we now see that the pillars are targets. And the points are the tips of spears thrown through each pillar, near all dead centre.
An Amazon in a white robe examines each one, then holds up a red flag next to the spear that is closest to the mark.
Masked Amazons running down a track. They approach a wooden wall that is at least six feet high -
- they all vault it, like a hurdle.
Masked Amazons grunting, grimacing, as they push MASSIVE BOULDERS up a steep hill. The women in white robes - the referees - watch the proceedings with a critical eye.
Several Amazons, paired off, fiercely dueling with swords.
Adjudicators escorting - or carrying off the injured. The first aid tent has a morgue next door for convenience.
HIPPOLYTA watches the events with a faintly approving air.
A wresting match - one woman pins another in a titanic struggle, to the cheers of the crowd.
ATTENDANT The final trial, your Majesty. All is ready.
A MASSIVE COLOSSEUM. The seats are packed.
Seven bruised and battered Amazons - the finalists - are in the centre.
HIPPOLYTA and a retinue of six COUNCILLORS and seven ATTENDANTS enter the grounds, and the ROAR of the crowd fades to an EXPECTANT MURMURING.
The FINALISTS stand in a line, about a few yards away from HIPPOLYTA and the COUNCILLORS, the Queen flanked by three COUNCILLORS on each side, all facing a FINALIST. ATTENDANTS, each carrying a LARGE ORNATE WOODEN BOX, each kneel in front of the Queen and her Councillors, opening their respective boxes. The contents are unseen.
Suddenly, with practiced swiftness, the Queen and company withdraw an identical item from each box and point it at their respective FINALIST -
- a Colt M1911A1 .45 Automatic.
The Queen and company OPEN FIRE - they're firing so fast it's almost like AUTOMATIC FIRE. They're also AIMING TO KILL.
The FINALISTS are BLOCKING the BULLETS with their bracelets, their arms almost blurring with speed.
One finalist CRIES OUT, wounded in the leg. 'Her' COUNCILLOR immediately ignores her, and starts firing at the FINALIST to her left, increasing the difficulty.
HIPPOLYTA's GUN is empty. She INSTANTLY reloads from her box - which is FULL TO THE BRIM with STACKED, LOADED MAGAZINES.
ANOTHER FINALIST FALLS - DEAD from a HEADSHOT. The FINALIST next to her now has another person shooting at her. MORE FINALISTS are wounded, and fall out of the competition - literally.
Now only the FINALIST in front of HIPPOLYTA is remaining. The SEVEN are shooting at her, only to have their shots deflected.
The look on what's visible on her masked face is Zen-Like concentration.
Eventually, the GUNS RUN DRY.
The MASKED WARRIOR removes her VISOR -
- it's DIANA. Sweating, eyes haggard. But nothing can remove the victory from her gaze.
The Queen is suddenly hit with what her daughter has done - and what she's almost done to her daughter.
Firm resolve crosses her face, and she starts to move forward, intent on inflicting the Wrath of Mother -
- when a hand clamps on her shoulder. A COUNCILLOR's expression tells HIPPOLYTA that this is something she can't control.
The crowd starts to cheer their new champion, as DIANA is surrounded by well-wishers.
And HIPPOLYTA's eyes reflect her total DESPAIR.
Adrian, I loved it, especially for a straight comic adaptation. However....if this is a movie, and this is the first time the general public is made aware of her origins, and for some, the character outside of Lynda Carter, then....it's a bit confusing in places. Sure, I know what's going on, because I've read the origin. But, as a person who knows nothing about Wonder Woman, I might ask: What's happening? Why are all of these masked women running around and performing? Are they slaves? Prisoners being forced play games for the amusement of the royalty? How did a baby appear from clay? Can the sun do that? Who is the victor, and why is she significant? Why is the queen angry at her victory? Is that the baby grown up? Why doesn't the queen look older, then? Has time passed? Why are all of these primitive amazonian women shooting guns at these people? Where did they get guns? If this is the final challenge of something, then, why is blocking bullets so important? Etc., etc.
I understand this isn't an entire script. Many of the questions may be answered further on, or, before this scene. And, I'm also one who hates to be spoon-fed anything when it comes to movies or tv. If handled properly, these questions formed may well be key in holding the viewers attention (assuming they're answered at some point). Still, you understand where I'm coming from, I should hope.
All in all, better than what I could do...
Well, there was meant to be at least half an hour worth of other scenes and exposition between the 'birth' and the tournament ... just haven't gotten around to writing them.
The spoon feeding would have been properly adhered to.
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Ah, gotcha...  And yeah it's a shame that the common man has to be spoonfed like that... 
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Pig Iron said: I don't know why her hands would be bleeding from molding clay? the rest is good.
(a) The Amazons have a well-documented aversion to bladed weapons and other pointy things - including stone fragments in clay, dried bits, and so forth and so forth
(b) I wanted to symbolise the whole ... dare I say it, messy part of giving birth. There's a physical reason for the screaming, yelling, verbal abuse of nearby males and demanding drugs.
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http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/artic...02/story.jhtmlJoss Whedon No Longer Attached To Write, Direct 'Wonder Woman'
'I had a take on the film that, well, nobody liked,' he explains in Web post. By Jennifer Vineyard After working on the script for nearly two years, Joss Whedon announced Friday (February 2) that he is no longer attached to write and direct the new big-screen adaptation of "Wonder Woman." "It's pretty complicated, so bear with me," he wrote on his Web site under the heading, "Satin Tights No Longer." "I had a take on the film that, well, nobody liked. Hey, not that complicated." Earlier this week, Warner Bros. and Silver Pictures bought a "Wonder Woman" spec script — featuring a story set during World War II — by newcomers Matthew Jennison and Brent Strickland. Sources said the companies bought the spec script as a pre-emptive legal measure to take it off the market and protect them against any possible similarities between the script Whedon penned and the one written by Jennison and Strickland. That script will now act as the replacement to Whedon's. "Let me stress that everybody at the studio and Silver Pictures were cool and professional," Whedon wrote. "We just saw different movies, and at the price range this kind of movie hangs in, that's never gonna work. Non-sympatico. It happens all the time." This might come as a shock to those who thought the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" creator was the perfect man for the job — after all, strong female characters who kick butt are kind of his calling card. So what would Whedon's "Wonder Woman" have looked like? While he was still attached to the project, Whedon told MTV News that he planned to tell the story of the origin of Wonder Woman, using "a lot of the mythos from the very oldest comics" and ample amounts of Greek mythology. "There's been a lot of good runs on the comic," he said, "but there hasn't been ... [an] origin issue ... one you can plop down and say, 'Make this.' The story hasn't been told exactly the way it needs to be told in the movie, so I have to do a lot of legwork myself, and make it seem like I didn't, and make it seem natural to her world." Instead of World War II, Whedon's story was going to place Wonder Woman in modern times, to make her a "viable modern-day figure" and showcase her inability to fit into society. "She's a fish out of water. It's basically 'Splash,' " he joked. "I just took the script from 'Splash' and changed some of the names." Whedon had hoped to take some of what could be considered campy aspects of the Wonder Woman persona — the bracelets, the lasso, the invisible jet — explain why they exist and make them "absolutely central to the entire movie." "The bracelets and the lasso are so much part of who she is and the journey she goes through," Whedon said. "They're not just cute and they're definitely not silly and she's not going to spin to change her clothes." Because he was taking so long to deliver a version of the script that the studio — and producer Joel Silver — wanted, Whedon wrote that he realized, "it was never gonna be a simple slam-dunk." But one of the agreements he made with the studio was that "there was no schedule of any kind," so he was free to take as long as he needed to write the script. "This may have come back to bite me slightly, as I have struggled and struggled to get it done," Whedon told MTV News. "I've been whining about it quite a lot. I'd like to perhaps not be remembered for the whining." In his post, Whedon said while he was disappointed that he was no longer affiliated with the project after all this time, he was also relieved that he wasn't in some "horrible limbo of development." "So I'm a free man," he wrote. Which means, "I never have to answer THAT question again!" he wrote, obviously a reference to the tirelessly posed question of which actress will fill Wonder Woman's shoes (see "Lindsay? Cameron? Mischa? Who Should Be The Next Wonder Woman?"). To illustrate his frustration at being asked the question, Whedon had relayed this anecdote to MTV News: "I literally had lunch with a studio executive where I told him, 'It's driving me crazy, all everyone wants to know is who I'm casting, and I'm not finished with the script,' and he said, 'Yeah, so who are you going to cast?' 'And it's actually driving me crazy, where I have to seek therapy because of it.' all everyone wants to know is who I'm casting, and I'm not finished with the script,' and he said, 'Yeah, so who are you going to cast?' 'And it's actually driving me crazy, where I have to seek therapy because of it.' 'So who do you want to cast? Come on, it's fun to play.' Oh my God, he won't stop. It's the only thing I ever get asked. I'm more tired of it than you can possibly imagine." So to close the book on the subject, Whedon wrote in his announcement, "Finally and forever: I never had an actress picked out, or even a consistent front-runner. ... All right, it was Cobie Smulders [from TV's 'How I Met Your Mother']. Sorry, Cobes."
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I'm actually kinda of relieved. Always thought Whedons visual style was blah. Hes a good writer, but I just dont think he gets Wonder Woman. And he cant really direct for shit.
My only worry is that the studios replacements would do an even shittier job.
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Joss Whedon was a good choice. I have doubts about the project now.
Bow ties are coool.
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well, Whedons visual style aside, setting the Wonder Woman movie during WWII is gonna suck.
Whedons idea sounds much better!
Racks be to MisterJLA
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Adrian Tullberg said:
Pig Iron said: I don't know why her hands would be bleeding from molding clay? the rest is good.
(a) The Amazons have a well-documented aversion to bladed weapons and other pointy things - including stone fragments in clay, dried bits, and so forth and so forth
(b) I wanted to symbolise the whole ... dare I say it, messy part of giving birth. There's a physical reason for the screaming, yelling, verbal abuse of nearby males and demanding drugs.
You want to write this for an American audience??? Kidding, I get it now--I wasn't looking for your script to be full of symbol. Good one.
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Chant said: well, Whedons visual style aside, setting the Wonder Woman movie during WWII is gonna suck.
Whedons idea sounds much better!
Bow ties are coool.
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Karl Hungus said:
Chant said: well, Whedons visual style aside, setting the Wonder Woman movie during WWII is gonna suck.
Whedons idea sounds much better!

I'll take a non-Whedon, WWII-era Wonder Woman flick anyday of the week. Unless, of course, we get someone like Schumacher... 
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Jason E. Perkins said: By the by, Promuetheus and doc are both wrong. Whedon rocks teh big one!!!!11!
Fixed your post for you.
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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Prometheus said:
We should marry, you and I. With our communication skills, it would be the most passionate, insane, dynamic, sexually explosive week of our lives...
You think our marriage would last a week?
You're an optimist.
I think I would end up killing you sooner than that...
...But I promise you'd die a happy man...
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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harleykwin said:
Jason E. Perkins said: By the by, Promuetheus and doc are both wrong. Whedon rocks teh big one!!!!11!
Fixed your post for you.
Bow ties are coool.
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Pig Iron said:
Adrian Tullberg said:
Pig Iron said: I don't know why her hands would be bleeding from molding clay? the rest is good.
(a) The Amazons have a well-documented aversion to bladed weapons and other pointy things - including stone fragments in clay, dried bits, and so forth and so forth
(b) I wanted to symbolise the whole ... dare I say it, messy part of giving birth. There's a physical reason for the screaming, yelling, verbal abuse of nearby males and demanding drugs.
You want to write this for an American audience??? Kidding, I get it now--I wasn't looking for your script to be full of symbol. Good one.
Not full of symbolism ... it's a bit like seasoning; you only need a little to bring out the flavours of the dish ...
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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WONDER WOMAN Screenplay by Matthew Jennison and Brent Strickland Story by Matthew Jennison, Brent Strickland and Kevin Shawley Based on the DC Comics characters created by William Moulton Marston 130 pages
Welcome to our Super Bowl Edition Superhero Spec Spotlight! The last time we did one of these was on Batman Begins.
But first about that J.J. Star Trek thing…
After all, I said it is just a rumor, but folks, as Public Enemy sang famously back in the days – DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE! That rumor is picking up steam in the business community here in Hollywood – hence why I reported it to Ronnie Adams. There is something really fishy going on over there on Melrose.
The trades say one thing, then the next day something else happens.
Case in point – WONDER WOMAN!
Warner Bros. buys this excellent spec script (which we will preview for you shortly) and says something along the lines of committing to Whedon’s contemporary version, then the very next day Whedon is off the project!
Just like I suspected. Why would you take a spec off the market when you own the rights already? I never bought this protection from liability jibberish that the trades were spoon-feeding us.
See why you can never trust the trades! See la comemierderia!
My goodness it is Black Superhero Friday or what? First Whedon is off Wonder Woman, and now David Goyer is off The Flash!
Que carajo is going on over there in Burbank?
Anyway, in regards to Wonder Woman – the spec that Silver picked up ROCKS! A fun filled adventure packed girl power action movie in the 1940s!
1943 to be exact. Just where this character belongs.
Now I know ya’ll are not here to hear my rants in colloquial Spanglish so let’s get to it and preview the first act.
We open with QUEEN HIPPOLYTE and her THREE THOUSAND AMAZON WARRIORS all clad in battle armor and bracelets.
We pull back even further and FIFTY THOUSAND MEN, all armed for war, advance on the Amazon.
In VOICEOVER HIPPOLYTE tells us that they were created to guard against the evils of the world. Strong, wise, and compassionate, Hera gave breath to the AMAZON. In the ancient days, they lived among Mankind…but Man fears what it cannot control. Man sought to take the power of the Amazon but doing so would have destroyed Man’s World.
Hippolyte erupts in a battle cry and the Amazon charge forward, meeting the army of man head on.
The action is fierce. The Amazon are superior warriors, but the numbers of Man’s army are too great and the Amazon take heavy casualties.
Hippolyte further tell us that to protect the world from such devastation they would do anything. Even flee.
We next see Hippolyte leading twenty Amazon ships into the open ocean. An Armada is in hot pursuit. She further tells us that they sailed forth without a destination, guided only by their faith.
Hera heard her prayers.
Hippolyte steers her ships toward a Heavenly star and the Amazon make it past the storm, which engulfs man’s ships towards – THEMYSCIRA. Hippolyte finishes her voiceover by telling us that Themyscira has been The Amazon’s home for three thousand years, a place where they could live in peace, hidden from the world of man.
After the credit sequence over a montage of military imagery showing the history of mankind’s warfare growing even deadlier, we open in 1943 Germany and meet
A tall, handsome son of a senator but made it on his own American in a Nazi SS disguise, snaps photos of Nazi Jet blueprints that look incredibly advanced for the 1940s. The words “AMERIKA BOMBER” and FLEISCHER GESELLSCHAFT” appear on the bottom of each design. Steve discovers that the Nazis are going to bomb Washington D.C. and New York.
Steve’s cover is blown and gets chased by the Nazis. He makes it to the Nazi hangar and steals a Nazi jet, which looks more like a stealth bomber than a WWII era plane. It’s the Amerika Bomber from the blueprints.
He navigates it out of there as the Nazis open fire on the jet. He flies over the Ocean and is leaking fuel. He makes it through the clouds and head towards a tropical island.
A majestic city hugs the coastline and stretches up into the mountains. Its architecture is a mix of Greek Temples and Elaborate Towers standing watch over the gleaming streets.
A huge coliseum stands in the center of the city, its rim decorated with statues of the Grecian gods.
We descend into a long street-level tunnel that empties into the arena floor. At the end of the tunnel we see the silhouette of a young woman – DIANA.
She takes a deep breath and places a helmet overhead obscuring her face before we see it. She enters the coliseum and wears a black skirt of leather strips and a GOLDEN BREASTPLATE with the form of an eagle, wings spread. Her bodice and leather boots are both DARK RED.
Thousands of Amazons in colorful robes fill the stands. A cheer rises as the red Amazon warrior moves to the center of the ring, where another masked Amazon waits, and this one in dark green – she is PHILLIPUS.
Four challengers remain to determine the strongest and best suited to find their sister, GALINA. Hera’s choice will soon be revealed.
We then get some super cool girl on girl gladiator action – DIANA VS PHILLIPUS.
It is no secret who wins. Then we get WHITE (ARTEMIS) vs BLUE (ODIA).
Artemis wins, then gets disqualified from the final round and doesn’t fight Diana.
Diana, her face still covered, kneels before Hippolyte on the coliseum floor and has proven herself the greatest warrior of the Amazon. Now it is her duty to return to Man’s world and find Galina.
She removes her helmet and for the first time we see her. She is barely twenty; she’s beautiful, with long black hair and just like her mother – HIPPOLYTE. Hippolyte has a fit. She forbade Diana from partaking in the contest. Hippolyte orders her to go to the palace.
Steve meanwhile crashes into a forested park in Themyscira. Diana runs into Steve and they meet. Diana saves Steve’s life and frees him the wreckage. Steve then gets arrested by the Amazon. Hippolyte and her entourage appear on a hover chariot.
Hippolyte takes Diana on the hover chariot. Here we learn that Galina was sent to Man’s world to ensure that Pandora’s Box is secure but she apparently went missing hence the contest for an Amazon warrior to go find Galina. Phillipus, who Diana beat in the contest, is going to man’s world to find Galina much to the dismay of Diana. Mother and daughter get into an argument.
Steve is taken to the Senate Hall. Hippolyte puts the GOLDEN ROPE around Steve and he tells the truth. The Amazon doesn’t believe him, they think man captured Galina and stole the Amazon technology. Steve is sentenced by the senate to death.
We then find out that the Amazons protect the key – a crystal that hangs on Hippolyte’s neck. If man came into possession of Pandora’s box and the key - it would be catastrophic.
Diana rescues Steve from his cell. She also steals a GOLDEN BELT – the belt of Aphrodite, which allows an Amazon to walk in disguise among men. Diana also steals a GOLDEN ROPE – Hestia’s Golden Lasso, which is unbreakable and any whom it binds, must speak the truth.
Diana and Steve make their getaway from Themyscira on you guessed it – THE INVISBLE JET.
Diana controls the jet with the GOLD TIARA with RUBY STAR on it. It resembles Hippolyte’s crown but is shaped to lie flat across the forehead.
On page 34 – Steve and Diana race out of Themyscira – cross the first threshold – and head back to Washington.
End Act 1
Like I said, the script rocks. We of course get Diana repelling Nazi bullets with her bracelets and she beats the shit out of Nazi bad guys by the dozens. She has the strength of ten men.
For those fans concerned about her outfit – no worries.
When she finally makes her debut as Wonder Woman on page 86, her Wonder Woman outfit is a combination of her Amazon battle gear and the American flag, the costume we all know as Wonder Woman but slightly more combat ready. SHE LOOKS HOT! The first part of the 2nd half of Act 2 (the test, allies, and enemies stage) takes place in Washington and of course Nazi bad guys (to good effect in this script) and double agents – Threshold Guardians – keep Steve and Diana busy.
The 2nd part of Act 2 takes place in Berlin as Diana and Steve intensify their search for Galina.
The 3rd Act and battle royale finale takes place back on Themyscira as the Amazons and their hover chariots fight a fleet of the Nazi Amerika Bombers as the main villain, who is revealed late in the game (which I won’t spoil) goes all out for the key on Hippolyte’s neck. The 3rd act is wall-to-wall action.
Overall, a very great read. The writers did their homework. As a comic book character origin movie - it is just as good as Batman Begins.
I can see why Silver supposedly took it off the spec market. If I was a betting man, I figure this is the origin story that Warners might stick with. My note to the studio is to not touch the script, leave it intact, get yourself a good director and shoot this script. It is all there on the page.
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Decent enough. But, I'd have to see how it plays out on the screen. I'm against the "Invisible Jet" bullshit...