
Pariah said:

Chant said:
how is the bible any more valid?

it isn't!

The Bible is substantiated by more than just itself. Accurate recounts by historians reveal evidence in favor of its credibility.


And I heard this from a priest who stated that to think your religion is above others is stupidity at it's worst. Because blind belief wouldn't last in the long run. You always have to be skeptical about what you believe in.

How is it that you think that statement is more valid because it "came from a priest"?

Christianity doesn't teach "blind belief". It doesn't teach to be "skeptical" though either. To be skeptical of one's own religion whilst after choosing to believe destorys all credibility. I was taught to do my homework on the subject of Catholicism and I did, as did others I know, and we came to the conclusion after deliberation that it was the correct way to go. That's not preaching blind belief, it's pragmatism. Problem is, modern commercialism and etiquette have used trial by majority to seperate words like "logical" and "pragmatic" from religion simply because they don't want to be caught red-handed saying or implying that they believe in a God or higher power.

Just because you don't hear or see it on the telly doesn't mean it doesn't carry merit.

no, the bible doesn't teach blind faith, people does. People do so because of how they interpret the bible.

Credibility, let's talk about that. The bible is, when it comes down to it, a history book. It recounts a line of historical events, whether actual or fictional. So obviously, it has some credibility.

Is it anymore valid than other religions? The fact that it has actual historical events gives credit to it.
But when you compare the message of the bible to other religions....

God created the world in 6 days and did gobs of other stuff versus creation stories and other stuff of other religions. C'mon, it isn't the slightest bit more credible.

Racks be to MisterJLA