
klinton said:
For starters, the bible is grounded in reality. It does not proclaim fantastic events to explain why there is lightning or how the sun rises every morning.

perhaps much of the new testament is ground in reality (similar to, no offense to anyone, how a batman comic is ground in reality). but the old testament is pretty out there.

notably, the first few passages where an omniscient god creates the earth, the sky, the water, the animals, and humans in a lil less than a week.

then, contradicting itself in the very next verse, an anthropomorphic and fallable god descends from above and walks the earth with man.

thats pretty zeusy.


klinton said:
The fact the Christianity has survived so long and claimed such an important stake in human history, literaly defining world events across many nations and cultures, also attests to its truth. If there was nothing to it to grasp onto, no ring of truth, then it would not move so many people so profoundly.

it all depends on who is in charge on earth.

the egyptians had their reign for a few hundred years. then, bam, a new pharoh came to town and said "no no, lets do it this way," and changed the whole notion. people followed. same thing with greek gods having their few hundred years. but, whoops, here comes the romans! now y'gotta change all the names.

modern christianity is simply massive, is the current "ruler" in much of the western world, partially due to technology permitting expansion and exploration for a few hundred years, where other cultures accepted (forcibly or otherwise) that same teaching, spreading across the globe.

giant picture