Rob Kamphausen said:
just a few pages later, he appears in eden, with adam, walking around in human form, completely unaware of the transpiring regarding the apple.
Ummm...no. He speaks to Adam(his son...how odd to show affection and present yourself in a comprehendable manner to your son...we as human parents might never think to do something like this), yes...But to assume that He was unaware of anything is presumptuous. He created all. Have you ever stepped back and wondered if maybe this was allowed to happen (immediately after the fact He uttered the first prophecy upon mankind). The universe is infinite....all His works. It is logical that He would allow a portion of that to defy His will, if for no other reason than to prove to the infinite others the results of such defiance (just a theory...).
Rob Kamphausen said:
klinton said:
Christianity has outlasted any major faith...due to it's basis in fact. We are not talking about a couple hundred years. We are talking thousands now.
please inform the jews (the religion of christ)
It was not the religion of Christ...dumbass. He spent a large part of his ministry deconstructing it...
If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!