hmm... and I thought I was just being too insensitive. Y'know me with my crass jokes and one-liners.

How 'bout this one: intense eye contact. About a year and a half back, I was in a Waldenbooks chillin' with my copy of Thoreau's Walden (yes, I read Thoreau mthrfcker) and I sat maybe six feet across from a goth chick. She was good looking, and for a second, we made eye contact. Yet she wouldn't. stop. staring. So here I am trying to read the gobdamned book and she's probably putting an incantation on my ass. I didn't look at her again, but with my peripheral vision, I could see her not even reading whatever she had and just fixing her gaze on me. Six minutes later, I left with her still staring a hole into the back of my head.

[um....  uh huh! ...  ]