quote:Originally posted by TK-069: OK, how bout Jamaicans?
I went out with a jamaican a couple of times...he was a pushy bastard...trying to feel me up when I just met him, then "threatened" not to kiss me unless I went home with him (uh, yeah, that'll work...). Then he said "I'll see you tomorrow" and I said no, and he said I'll be at your house, and I said you don't know where I live, you don't even know my last name. He said since he had my cell # he would track down my addy. I said "is that supposed to make me want you? it's not working...it disgusts me". I never called him again...but he called a week or so later asking why I haven't called. I said, "you're too agressive and pushy" and he said" oh, assertive" and I said "no, aggresive and pushy". "so you're not interested?" "NO!!!" Sorry..this memory just came back to me...