As a lawyer, i don't think you need anyone not as familiar with law to explain to you what parts of the Act are unconstitutional. But if you need background, let me help:
Federal judge rules part of Patriot Act unconstitutionaland another..
Key Part of Patriot Act Ruled Unconstitutionaland yet another part....
ACLU Says Patriot Act UnconstitutionalIt's getting harder and harder to say that this is merely G-Man's hated "liberals" out to 'get Bush' or 'support terrorists'. As the initial article states, both the right and the left are coming together on this assault on the Constitution of the U.S.
As this article also shows:
Greens and Gun Owners Unite!The Unconstitutional Patriot ActNow if you're done browbeating people because they happen to love their exsisting form of Government, i'll be gone...