Originally posted by Grimm:
I've always loved you, Chewy. [nyah hah]

You should've posted that "Chewy discovers fire" pic. That one's great. Reminds me of Peter Boyle setting his thumb on fire in Young Frankenstein.

Originally posted by Sunhaven:
I would like to second the fact that I love Chewey......

Aw, shucks... [gulp!]


The "Chewy discovers fire" pic is the last one on the page, preceded by pics of me from Thanksgiving, a lip-synch competition in high school, and one of my senior pics. There's another of my senior pics on the main page and a pic of me as a header on every other page of my site (with the exception of the 'Friends' page)...

That oughtta be enough Chewy for ya's... [nyah hah]