Fact is there are a bunch of girls who post here, but only one or two post here regularly.

It's quite true that the pictures might scare them away. At the same time, I don't think I've ever seen a porn message board without at least a few regular female posters. The pics are a deterrent I'm sure but they don't kill us outright.

I would definitely help if I posted fewer pr0n threads, though. Less quantity, higher quality.


McGurk said:
I think more women would post here if we had more threads similar to "What's wrong with women today?" or "Moral dilema", and fewer threads like "How to pick up women and other *ahem* 'tips'". That way we won't frighten them off by seeming like players or cowardly macho bullies or just plain affection depraved. Oh, and the pictures alone could make them leave, unless of course their best friend is a camera lens and their vocal cords are frozen.

BUT, that's just me.

I'll agree to an extent. I think having more threads like "What's wrong with women today?" AND "How to pick up..." would help. Anything, really, that centers around the ins and outs of relationships, romance, and/or sex in the general sense helps. But, sadly, this forum is a near perfect sausage fest right now, so threads like those die quick and painful deaths.