Wow I had no idea......for some reason I kept picturin all the guys out there as middleaged, balding, overweight, comic lovers But my fav pictures would have to go *in no particular order* Dave was pretty fine as was Danny and Captain Sammich was pretty cute too *if he lost the goattee....sorry I have this thing for thinkin guys w/out one is really sexy! forgive mois*, Soy un Peredor......VERY ya live in Texas And then there was...Chewy *nice suit* the doctor *love the pics*, and Disco so remind me of the first guy I dated *dont worry he was a great guy*, and Charlie *nice guitar first crush was on an electric guitar player* . And lets not forget Robbie our thankfully and rather cute webmaster!
Anyways yall are ALLLLL SUCH hotties If you're name didn't make mois list it was probably cuz youre taken ;)This is SOOOO gonna make me post more!!!!! Anyways ya'll hotties have an awesome night and dont forget how cute you are ;)AND MOVE TO TEXAS!!!! All of yas
PS I woulda posted more smilies but i got the message that I exceeded the maximum amount of smilies ;(