
Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
The sad thing is that they have a group of solid wrestlers who are ready to carry their load (Jericho, Benoit, Cena, Guerrero, Angle...just to name a few), yet they keep rehashing the same crap over and over again to the point where it's past stale and has moved into "this'd make a nice doorstop".

thats more like the common argument of this forum, so you'll surely find those who agree with you. however, i like the evolution pairing.

I would like Evolution a lot more if they did something besides nothing with it. You mean to tell me that there's no one on the RAW roster who'd be a good fit within this group? Two people does not a faction make. There is no faction called Evolution...it's HHH managed by Flair. Any name they try to shove down our throats is a semantic argument.


Rob Kamphausen said:
jericho has all but given up on his pitch to be a big name. to me, he phones in every performance of the past 2 years. yes, he's justified in his frustration, but all that aside... secondly, its unfair to even mention cena, eddie and kurt, since they're all on smackdown. benoit is the only argument here, and he's a great face. orton is the heel of the future. best to push him in that direction, now.

Wrestlemania is a PPV for both rosters. They all wrestle for the same company. And I've been arguing for months that "Brand Extension/Separation" has run its course. So I stand by my comment here. There are more than a few wrestlers stuck spinning their wheels while the same two-or-three guys get major pushes. The guys I listed - an a few others - deserve their chance to carry the company. If Orton deserves it, then push him. But don't ignore the guys that have done their time, have the skills needed, and deserve their major push(es).


Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
The best thing they could do is have HHH drop the title to Batitties (for a SHORT period of time), have HHH stay out of the spotlight for a period of time, and let the deserving battle for the title. But you know they won't do it!

i know y'all hate triple cheeseburger, but... he's the only one big enough to carry the belt at this point. like it or not, the options are hhh and batista -- thats how the storyline has played out for the past few months. and, as over as batista is, he's not that over. to me, the smart move is to keep it on triple cheeseburger until the fans fully support batista.

and nothing gets he fans behind you like a screw job.

in this case, this'd be doubly supportive: it'd get the fans to cheer for batista and boo orton.

I don't hate HHH. I hate what he's become. Triple H is indicative of everything I've grown to hate about the WWE. It's boring and repetitive. It's the same two-or-three guys (or gals) getting the face time. It's nothing new. I blame the suits and the writers. The storyline has played that way for months because of lazy writing. There's no way Batista deserves the title. And there's no way he'll be able to carry the company if he wins it. This is basically a bridge for HHH's umpteenth title reign.

Last edited by Joe Mama; 2005-03-30 4:14 AM.