cobra kai 15000+ posts
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SliderACH said:
If WWE doesn't give the belt to Batista, I'll be surprised. I don't know why anyone thinks he's not over. Just listen to the pop he's been getting lately.
he's over. i just don't think he's "#1 in the company" over. yet.
i'd argue that hbk and benoit are two such individuals that currently receive a bigger pop. and, thats not to say i think they should keep the belt off batista because he's not as popular as them. rather, i think a lot more can be made of this story, and a lot more build up can be had to prolong it and make batista more popular.
i think giving the belt to batista now cheapens the story and rushes the ending.
SliderACH said:
As for Orton, again, I question anyone who thinks he wasn't over as a face. He got a huge pop. Hell, some nights his was the only pop I'd notice watching Raw.
again, he was over. but i dont think very. i also dont think he was as over as batista as is now, for 2 reasons: (1) the batista turn made sense (wwe sense, anyway). orton's didn't. he got a pop for the same reason he turned, to defy triple h. to me, thats more so a testament to h-hatred, rather than orton support.
(2) orton simply is a heel. everything about his character is "the bad guy." he's killed legends. he's got chances no one else has. he's young and rich and the ladies love'em ( ). he's every high school's "spoiled, preppy jock," and no one liked that guy! his persona and character are screaming arrogant heel.
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