The time has come to finally decide which of you is the "Hottest" all 4 of you are going to get into your bra and panties some sexy lingerie (thigh highs are most appropriate) and get into a nice big King Size bed.......then you will start with the obligatory petting, kissing, licking, sucking and screaming.......we are sending Wednesday and TK to observe the action and grade all of you......please don't be alarmed by the 2 foot monsters coming out from between their legs.....those are their Hot-O-Meters.....they need to stick their Hot-O-Meters in each of you sometimes slowly and other times more vigorously to gauge just how hot each of you are getting. Pig Iron, Jaburg and Stupid Doog are being sent along also to film all of this for posterity.....mind you no one will ever see this film if you don't want them to *cough cough choking* one of the newer members here says.......Bring on Da Ladies!

Last edited by PJP; 2005-03-30 2:12 PM.