So why haven't you been banned lately?
I'll admit, it's the Nature Boyz that I'm talking about, specifically. And it isn't that I'm in favor of you guys getting banned. If it were up to me, anybody could spout whatever they wanted. But it strikes me as unlikely than at unbiased person could look at an argument between me and the Nature Boyz and decide that I'm the guy that needs to get banned.
It also strikes me as unlikely that it's in response to my politically-oriented posts on the DCMB. Yeah, they're comicbook boards. Yeah, we're supposed to be talking about Superman. Whatever, dude. Tons of the conversations (specifically among us weirdo Superman fans) on that board are political. It's sort of difficult to separate anything, even comicbooks (and in some ways ESPECIALLY comicbooks) from political discussions these days.
And the right-wing guys seem to stick around, y'know? It's us liberals that are getting banned. (This has cracked us all up when we're talking about political bias in the media in the first place.)
(Yes, I realize that it isn't up to me. Private boards. Got it. I'm not saying Kamphausen can't ban me, I'm just questioning his logic is all.)