here's the deal, short n'sweet (not unlike myself).
the DCMBs are for comic-related discussions.
the end.
absolutely nothing else.
no politics, no religion, no tv shows, no jlo, no nokia phones, no frito-lay potato chips, no fedex vs ups, no ford trucks, no star wars movies, nothing. just comics.
jack, ill readily and publically admit that i think most of your points are idiotic. ill even go so far as to say i think you're a pretty silly person for uttering a lot of your opinions.
but i can not state clearly enough that, on the DCMBs, that never factors in. not even slightly. i couldn't give two shits what your (in the general sense) point is. i dont care if you're pro-america or anti-america. i dont care if you're pro-jlo or anti-jlo. i dont care what religion you are, what religion you hate, what tv show you watch, what cell phone you have, what you think of me, what you think of baseball, etc, etc.
i look for two things in DCMB content:
first and foremost, comic relevance. secondly, cleanliness (no swears. i.e; "i fuc king love that di ck superman" wouldn't cut it).
if you can follow those two rules, i dont care what you type.
think what you want, conspire what you want -- the above is absolutely my only concern on the DCMBs. its a job. a fun as hell job, sure. but a job none-the-less, and certainly one id like to keep. i've been doing it for 3-and-a-half years now, and tho i may have a decent following of hatred, at worst, i've been nothing but consistant at my task.
you, personally, had a continued inability to follow those 2 simple rules. after emailed warnings, even friendly suggestions, you continued, and were thus removed. after your new names appeared anyway, you were banned. can you find a way back? sure. will i remove you again? sure.
perhaps you feel like you have a big ole target on your shirt. if thats the overbearing feeling, lets try to keep in mind who painted it there.