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Hiya. Somebody was nice enough to leave a link back to these boards, so I figured this was the place to start a conversation with Kamphausen.

Not that getting back to the DCMB isn't pretty easy, but I have to ask about my constant banning. On the one hand, I want to give Kamphausen the benefit of the doubt and figure that he's just trying to do his job by kicking me off the boards on a weekly basis. On the other hand, though, I have to question a policy where I get banned and the people I argue with -- who I don't think can be said to be making a greater contribution to the boards -- seem to always stick around.

Feel free to disillusion me on this point, but it appears that Kamphausen's policy is somewhat politically biased. One side of the fence seems to be allowed no matter what they say -- those of us on the other side of the fence are getting booted constantly.

If that's not the case, then you (Kamphausen) should probably be aware that it looks that way. I don't know if that bugs you or not.

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I asked the same question many times, I was often banned for arguing, though it takes to the tango, the answer lies in you argument do you go over the line, and as far as i can tell rob doesnt care about opinion....he wouldnt dress the way he does...

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So why haven't you been banned lately?

I'll admit, it's the Nature Boyz that I'm talking about, specifically. And it isn't that I'm in favor of you guys getting banned. If it were up to me, anybody could spout whatever they wanted. But it strikes me as unlikely than at unbiased person could look at an argument between me and the Nature Boyz and decide that I'm the guy that needs to get banned.

It also strikes me as unlikely that it's in response to my politically-oriented posts on the DCMB. Yeah, they're comicbook boards. Yeah, we're supposed to be talking about Superman. Whatever, dude. Tons of the conversations (specifically among us weirdo Superman fans) on that board are political. It's sort of difficult to separate anything, even comicbooks (and in some ways ESPECIALLY comicbooks) from political discussions these days.

And the right-wing guys seem to stick around, y'know? It's us liberals that are getting banned. (This has cracked us all up when we're talking about political bias in the media in the first place.)

(Yes, I realize that it isn't up to me. Private boards. Got it. I'm not saying Kamphausen can't ban me, I'm just questioning his logic is all.)

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here's the deal, short n'sweet (not unlike myself).

the DCMBs are for comic-related discussions.

the end.

absolutely nothing else.

no politics, no religion, no tv shows, no jlo, no nokia phones, no frito-lay potato chips, no fedex vs ups, no ford trucks, no star wars movies, nothing. just comics.

jack, ill readily and publically admit that i think most of your points are idiotic. ill even go so far as to say i think you're a pretty silly person for uttering a lot of your opinions.

but i can not state clearly enough that, on the DCMBs, that never factors in. not even slightly. i couldn't give two shits what your (in the general sense) point is. i dont care if you're pro-america or anti-america. i dont care if you're pro-jlo or anti-jlo. i dont care what religion you are, what religion you hate, what tv show you watch, what cell phone you have, what you think of me, what you think of baseball, etc, etc.

i look for two things in DCMB content:

first and foremost, comic relevance. secondly, cleanliness (no swears. i.e; "i fuc king love that di ck superman" wouldn't cut it).

if you can follow those two rules, i dont care what you type.

think what you want, conspire what you want -- the above is absolutely my only concern on the DCMBs. its a job. a fun as hell job, sure. but a job none-the-less, and certainly one id like to keep. i've been doing it for 3-and-a-half years now, and tho i may have a decent following of hatred, at worst, i've been nothing but consistant at my task.

you, personally, had a continued inability to follow those 2 simple rules. after emailed warnings, even friendly suggestions, you continued, and were thus removed. after your new names appeared anyway, you were banned. can you find a way back? sure. will i remove you again? sure.

perhaps you feel like you have a big ole target on your shirt. if thats the overbearing feeling, lets try to keep in mind who painted it there.

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Actually, I think I follow the "no swearing" rule pretty well. :)

As far as the other stuff goes, I think the question is fairly simple. If you're only going after me because of the "absolute value" of what I say, then why are the guys who say, "Let's go to war!" always still around? And the Nature Boyz? They regularly violate the same rules I do, and yet I don't see them going through a new username every week.

Honestly, I suspect you banned Dumas just because he made the mistake of agreeing with me too much. He's actually pretty conservative, y'know.

(Just for the record, I have no particular animosity toward you. I don't think much of professionals who can't be bothered to use English correctly in their emails, but that's just a personal quirk with me, apparently. Half of America can't seem to find the shift key, unless it's to leave caps-lock on all the time.)

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capitals aren't my thing. as a web developer, having been ingrained with html code for nearly 10 years now, they're my arch nemesis.

you'll find the same of most in my field.

plus im lazy.

as for your actions on the dcmbs....

as i said above, and now unfortunately have to repeat not an hour later, opinions dont matter to me on the dcmbs. pro or anti war statements that are caught are treated equally. by all means, ask the oft-removed "dave the wonder boy" (quite possibly, earth 2 lil death).

if you ever start feeling the "why me" syndrome, feel free to browse around my forums -- there's roughly 300 other "why me"s. this list includes a lovely collection of your rivals, the possibly-existant nature boyz (who didnt exist independant of me, nor did the term "gob," as far as i know). if thats not good enough, my email inbox has 40 months worth of similar emails.

if you want to know what happened to dumas, ask him. i dont like discussing other posters issues with third parties. personal policy. but i can assure you, he's got a nice resume of warning emails, some of which date back before i knew you -- not to mention a decent level of animosity from a few dc staffers.

do posts (and/or posters) on the dcmbs exist that should be removed? absolutely. why do they? with 20,000+ members, and ballparking 5,000 new posts per day, some are just bound to get lost. even with my daily searches, i cant be everywhere at once.

the rules you agreed to when signing up (and, for some of you, when signing up every time) plainly state that if you see something i didnt, to point it out to me via email. and, as anyone who has done so can testify, im typically reviewing that specific instance within minutes.

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i was banned for nearly 2 years, Franta the same, ROY BATTy hasnt been able to post since the early 1960's!

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Okay, Rob, you can say that all you want -- but the Nature Boyz are on the DCMB right now because ...?

... because they're right-wing friends of yours, maybe?


I'm not saying you should ban them. I'm saying that you can protest your non-bias all you want, but your actions seem to indicate otherwise (sort of like the Shrub saying he's gonna go for alternative fuels).

Let's face it, dude. You "had time to get around to" banning me once a week, at the longest interval. Sometimes, much less ("Captain Savage" was banned after TWO posts on the same day -- that's gotta be a record of some kind).

[ 02-10-2003, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Jack B Everywhere ]

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Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
ROY BATTy hasnt been able to post since the early 1960's!

Viagra. [nyah hah]

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Originally posted by Jack B Everywhere:
Okay, Rob, you can say that all you want -- but the Nature Boyz are on the DCMB right now because ...?

... because they're right-wing friends of yours, maybe?


I'm not saying you should ban them. I'm saying that you can protest your non-bias all you want, but your actions seem to indicate otherwise (sort of like the Shrub saying he's gonna go for alternative fuels).

Let's face it, dude. You "had time to get around to" banning me once a week, at the longest interval. Sometimes, much less ("Captain Savage" was banned after TWO posts on the same day -- that's gotta be a record of some kind).

...i know this will pain you, but once you get banned the alts pretty much go as well, when i got banned, anything and everything i posted under dissapeared too, and try how you may its obvious this is all an attempt by you to get us banned at the DCMB's, very juvenile.......

....btw....there are no nature boys.....

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jack, truly, you're illustrating your most annoying message board habbit: your inability to listen (or read, in the case of message boards). perhaps its just selective in nature?

you showed it when you ignored all my DCMB warnings, and you're showing it yet again, here. painfully, i might add.

there's a reason i typed all those words up there. check them out.

however, if it begrudges you so, ill relist some key points:

  • again, i point out the fact that i truly dont care what your point is on the dcmbs.
  • again, i point out the fact that i dont care if you're a conservative or a liberal -- as long as you obey the boards two rules. please, feel free to ask the majority of the wonder woman forum, the GL forum, the JSA forum, the authority forum, or the codename knockout forum, etc. (highlighted books that occasionally deal with "left-wing" topics).
  • again, i point out the fact that the nature boyz have been banned. numerous times. thats why there are nature boyz -- because i banned them. please, feel free to ask them.
  • again, i point out the fact that every offender in a political debate is emailed, warned, suspended or banned, depending on their specific circumstances. that is, their frequency in such debates and/or recipients of previous warnings, NOT their view points. please, feel free to ask specific members, if you want.
  • again, i point out the fact that "uber-right-wing" individuals, such as dave the wonder boy and burgossun amongst dozens of others, have also been emailed, warned, suspended and/or banned. please, ask them, if you'd like.
  • again, i point out the fact that if there's ever a specific thread or post you've ever wanted me to check out, all you need do is email me. please refer to the DCMB rules.
  • again, i point out the fact that i can not be everywhere. please note how many non-comic related posts you, yourself, have tallied up over the months that i never saw or noticed.
  • again, i point out the fact that your names were removed because of your continued inability to follow two incredibly simple rules. please refer to any previous email i sent you -- or please observe any of your posts i've deleted.
  • again, i point out the fact that simply creating a new name does not give you a "new life," but rather, will also be removed (as an extention to your existing suspension / banning).
  • again, i point out the fact that most everyone ON these message boards has been banned or suspended or at least warned on various occasions for whatever reason (off topic posting, starting up fan fictions, offensive attacks, spamming, etc). please feel free to ask ALL of them.
that said, addressing your existing innuedno, as to why bsams is able to post on the DCMBs and you are not (which, im assuming, is the question you're trying to pose)... nothing i've seen of bsams' recent actions has been so horrid they deserve it.
if he did, id remove him. he's a good guy, and i consider him a friend, but as i've told anyone and everyone, (and if you haven't heard this before, here's your chance) the dcmbs is my job, and no fucking way will i risk that to let some friends have some fun (please, feel free to ask digitaldawg, a member of these boards and former member of the dcmbs. he was my college room mate).

if you're really interested in testing that theory, by all means do so! shoot my dc account a link to an off topic / offensive thread of any one of your enemies, and ill get on the situation, ASAP. im a moderator, thats my job.

all i've seen bsams do recently is joke around and be an ass, and most all of the time, in an insanely odd relation to comic books. are they model posts? absolutely not. but there certainly hasn't been much harm in them.

you've spent a lot of time on the superman boards, and surely you'll note that a lot of the regulars there are the same way (please feel free to ask nomattsland, mr mxy, bizarromark or lor, four usuals i've occasionally dealt with, the latter becoming a member here). silly, light-hearted, oft "accidentally" drifting to off topic discussions. their names are still active on the DCMBs, as well.

ff tlsok, another superman board regular, not only received a warning or two -- but he did so because of a pro-american speech. the speech, i liked. its placement, i didnt. whats worse (for me)... it included quotes from hulk hogan, as ff is a big hogan fan, like me. yet i still deleted the posts and sent him the emails.

because thats my job.

your posts are different in nature, saying nothing of your frequency. i have many of your more troublesome ones saved. including the post, the screen name (whatever it may be), and time -- please feel free to ask me about them, if you'd like.

how i can further help you, i haven't a clue. everything is documented in this thread for your view. if you re-read everything above and/or talk to everyone i recomended, and then you STILL feel that i've being biased or unfair, then thats just something we'll both have to live with. for at that point, it'd no longer be about something i can explain or prove, but rather, your willingness to accept and believe.

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all this talk of banning makes me want to go to the dcmbs and get banned. . .

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Rob repeatedly being accused of double standards...ah, the memories...

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Bobo has warned me twice about my postings there & since I really can't afford a banning right now,I rarely post there unless a G'Nort topic comes to my attention.

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hmm... nearly a week since a jack response.

perhaps i was too correct?

or maybe im just conservative, i dunno.

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Dear Jackie:

I have recieved around 12 e-mails from Bobo with the "your banned" (too bad I lost those things when Hotmail deleted the stuff in my account). I got banned so many times not because Rob unbanned me (wich he did, but only after several months had passed after he had banned me), but because I used to have a connection that gave me a different IP every time I got online.

Nowadays, when I get banned from the DCMBs I have to wait months until the banning is reverted. I don't really mind it, since I can talk about comics here, and the only other thing I did there was annoy people, something I can do anywhere. If think that if I got unbanned to today I'd probably BSAMS a few topics or make an extremely long signature to get banned again. The only thing that I don't like about getting banned on the DCMBs is that I don't get those "your banned" e-mails anymore... That was what made the banning worth it!

Anyways, Jackie, I think my relationship with Grob has improved since the days when I was a regular poster at the DCMBs (I used to fuckin' hate the guy... Heh!), but the bannings are still the same, if not worse.

Thanks for your time, Jackie, and, by the way, I think the next time everyone would appreciate it if you'd just cut to the chase and ask directly what you want to know, instead of dancing around the question before doing it for whatever reason.

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im sure i still have the emails saved if it helps, you left-wing scum!

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The Nature Boys are back on the DCMB's?

Rob, you cunt. Ban their asses.

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Originally posted by Animalman:
The Nature Boys are back on the DCMB's?

Rob, you cunt. Ban their asses.

youre so naive, there are no nature boys....its a myth.....

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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
im sure i still have the emails saved if it helps, you left-wing scum!

That would certanly help!

And I lost my wings back in '87.

Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Dear Jackie:

I have recieved around 12 e-mails from Bobo with the "your banned" (too bad I lost those things when Hotmail deleted the stuff in my account). I got banned so many times not because Rob unbanned me (wich he did, but only after several months had passed after he had banned me), but because I used to have a connection that gave me a different IP every time I got online.

Nowadays, when I get banned from the DCMBs I have to wait months until the banning is reverted. I don't really mind it, since I can talk about comics here, and the only other thing I did there was annoy people, something I can do anywhere. If think that if I got unbanned to today I'd probably BSAMS a few topics or make an extremely long signature to get banned again. The only thing that I don't like about getting banned on the DCMBs is that I don't get those "your banned" e-mails anymore... That was what made the banning worth it!

Anyways, Jackie, I think my relationship with Grob has improved since the days when I was a regular poster at the DCMBs (I used to fuckin' hate the guy... Heh!), but the bannings are still the same, if not worse.

Thanks for your time, Jackie, and, by the way, I think the next time everyone would appreciate it if you'd just cut to the chase and ask directly what you want to know, instead of dancing around the question before doing it for whatever reason.


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Once again Jack cant handle the truth!

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Day after day, alone on the hill
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know him
They can see that he's just a fool
As he never gives an answer
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning around

Well on the way, head in a cloud
The man of a thousand voices talking percetly loud
But nobody ever hears him
Or the sound he appears to make
And he never seems to notice
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning around

And nobody seems to like him
They can tell what he wants to do
And he never shows his feelings
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning around

He never listen to them
He knows that they're the fools
They don't like him
The fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning around

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started as an alter boy, working at the church
Learning all my holy moves, doing some research
Which led me to a cash box, labeled "Children's Fund"
I'd leave the change, and tuck the bills inside my cummerbund

I got a part-time job at my father's carpet store
Laying tackless stripping, and housewives by the score
I loaded up their furniture, and took it to Spokane
And auctioned off every last naugahyde divan

I'm very well aquainted with the seven deadly sins
I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in
I'm proud to be a glutton, and I don't have time for sloth
I'm greedy, and I'm angry, and I don't care who I cross

I'm Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time, and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred, and go down in infamy

Of course I went to law school and took a law degree
And counseled all my clients to plead insanity
Then worked in hair replacement, swindling the bald
Where very few are chosen, and fewer still are called

Then on to Monte Carlo to play chemin de fer
I threw away the fortune I made transplanting hair
I put my last few francs down on a prostitute
Who took me up to her room to perform the flag salute

Whereupon I stole her passport and her wig
And headed for the airport and the midnight flight, you dig?
And fourteen hours later I was down in Adelaide
Looking through the want ads sipping Fosters in the shade

I opened up an agency somewhere down the line
To hire aboriginals to work the opal mines
But I attached their wages and took a whopping cut
And whisked away their workman's comp and pauperized the lot

I'm Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time, and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred and go down in infamy

I bought a first class ticket on Malaysian Air
And landed in Sri Lanka none the worse for wear
I'm thinking of retiring from all my dirty deals
I'll see you in the next life, wake me up for meals

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Whatever happened to Bridgette Nielsen..???


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He's crazy...but I like him!

And don't refer to this Jack B Everywhere as 'Jackie.' That's my name, gentlemen, and don't you forget it!

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not to worry, cowgirl lady...

jack was apparently offended by all my truth. i dont think he's coming back anymore [sad]

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most likely the goverment whisked him away because he knows to much....

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Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
But nobody wants to know him
They can see that he's just a fool
As he never gives an answer

Well on the way, head in a cloud
The man of a thousand voices talking percetly loud
But nobody ever hears him
Or the sound he appears to make
And he never seems to notice

And nobody seems to like him
They can tell what he wants to do
And he never shows his feelings

I think Paul McCartney knew Jack!

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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
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I'd say its obvious that the DCMBs are part of the military-industrial complex.

Ike warned us all about the Nature Boys.

Jack's complaint is unfounded. As you say, the Nature Boys don't post model posts, but they're on-topic enough to avoid a deletion or a banning. If Jack paid coser attention to the rules, he would still be in the game.

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I rarely see any of us try to express our political views on the DCMBs........

Hell I dont think most of us could be sober ENOUGH to do so when we're on the DCMBs.......

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I don't even know how to get there I get here by bookmark, and anyways I can't afford a banning right now! Gotta go, the mail just arrived, I'm expecting a very special letter!

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Post the picture of your iron handbag again!

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Cheese Wizz he sure seemed cranky.

I've been banned, and warned and everything else, but crikey, he got upset over you doing your job.

Lil must have his panties in a bunch again.

And for those who frequent the DCMB, I'm Real Life Superman/Superboy/Batman/Clark Kent, all of which have been banned at one point.

But I'm back now [mwah hwah haa] (been back for a while actually)

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You can ban me Rob if it'll get Jack's panties out of that tight-assed knot he's twisted them into! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Jack Ass doesn't realize is that we've all been banned before and we know how far we can and cannot go. Hell. I think most of us even actually, sort of, kind of, respect you-except for the fact that you are so friggin' gay!

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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
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You've sold out, Llance!

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Remember Dave I said actually, sort of, kind of respect...

Now blow that out your backend! [izzat so?]

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LLance you put blowing and backend in one sentence....what are you really thinking about??? [yuh huh]

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I can vouch for the fact that I've been warned many times by Rob on the DC boards, and was banned in January of 2003 for 1 week.

I think the only reason I haven't been banned more often is because when Rob warns me, I usually back way off, until 3 or 4 months later when Mondo Joe X, Prometheus X, whomod, heffalump, NotSuper, OMEGA MAN, Mirrorball Man, patchwork, and the like start laying into me with personal remarks, and I feel obligated to respond.

It's reached a point on the DC boards where if it's not directed at me personally, 19 times out of 20 I'll read the topic and not respond. Because whatever I write, if it's heavily political, the entire topic will almost always be deleted from the DC boards within 2 or 3 days anyway, so why bother?

But it's often frustrated me that the above listed posters can say what they say, and not be suspended or banned.
But Rob doesn't disclose that info to anyone but the poster him/her self.

So Rob may have banned them, and I just don't know about it. But for all I see and know, they just go on and on insulting myself and others without suspension or interruption.

And so often I've seen posts and pointed them out to Rob, and he says:
"Well, I just don't think it's that bad.."
"I don't think it quite rises to the level",
or often he says:
"well, I just don't see that he's doing anything that you're not doing too, so if I ban him, I'd have to warn/ban you too."

Much to my frustration.

Because when some schmuck calls my Phillipine girlfriend a "mail-order bride" or that I "can't handle American women", or similar imflammatory remarks, I definitely think it DOES rise to the level, that it IS that bad, and that they force me to respond to something that should be deleted, but there it sits.
And then I get warned for just responding to this nonsense.???!???

I like Rob, and I generally agree with the way he handles the DC boards, and he's very open to discussing any areas of dispute you e-mail him about.
And I understand that no two of us will agree 100% on where the line is drawn on what is acceptable or unacceptable posts. It's a judgement call.

I think Dave (a.k.a. Typhoid Dave, Dark Typhoid Dave, etc.) demonstrates well how someone can post liberal views and not be banned.

Because T-Dave is respectful and not slanderous or personally insulting in the way he presents his views.

I think--and certainly hope-- that I present my conservative views with a similar lack of rancor. I can be a little hot-tempered when I've been misrepresented or insulted, but endeavor to be polite, often even when I've been provoked.
Although I've certainly had my ill-tempered moments, most of which are preserved in the Grant Morrison topics. Clearly provoked.

I enjoy reading T-Dave's views, and those of many others whose views are to the left of mine. I generally find it informative to read liberal views, and see issues from the fresh perspective of a view very different from my own.

T-Dave, I can certainly be passionate in expressing my own perspective, and certainly hope that's never mistaken for a lack of respect for your views. I greatly enjoy reading what you have to say.

And Lildeath as well at times, although his tone has changed in the last year or so. But I love his posts to the ODCUT "Superhero Sex" topics, which were tremendous fun.

To a large degree I enjoy the posts of other self-stated liberals as well, such as whomod, Steven Utley, and at times even Mondo Joe X, and others, who at other times I've clashed with.

I actually feel like the DC Boards are overwhelmingly liberal, because for example, you can post whatever you want on the DC boards about how Bush "stole" the 2000 election from Gore, etc., virtually unchallenged.
But anyone who posts an opinion favoring conservatives or Christianity gets shouted down from all sides, and the topic is driven to a level of rancor that it gets deleted. I believe some of the more bitter ODCUT liberals do this purposefully.

Whereas there are many gay discussions on the DC boards, and they don't get deleted, because conservatives don't pursue gay topics until they get deleted.

Some sample topics where liberalism and personal insult rules on the Other DC Universe Topics boards (while they last) :

"Why do you hate ULTIMATE Marvel?"

"Ah, the brilliance that is Grant Morrison..."

"Pretentious: where to draw the line"

"I've heard Byrne, Miller, Moore are now hacks..."

"Wheezergeezers and Whippersnappers"

"Morrison's grand plans for the DCU"

Plus many others that have been deleted.

Many of these have lasted as long as they have because I let them go without posts, forgotten, for several months until things cool down.

The flame-wars seem to happen in waves, every few months. And on other DC sections I find the level of rancor much lower, where more political discussions can be discussed without getting as bitter as they do in the ODCUT section.

I think that being deleted or banned is not so much about discussing political issues at all, as the WAY it is discussed. Most of the topics above, and other deleted ones are not so much banned due to discussing politics at all, but because of the LACK OF CIVILITY, and the personally insulting inflammatory way with which it is discussed.

Joined: Jan 2002
Posts: 15,367
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
15000+ posts
Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
15000+ posts
Joined: Jan 2002
Posts: 15,367
Likes: 13

I think Dave (a.k.a. Typhoid Dave, Dark Typhoid Dave, etc.) demonstrates well how someone can post liberal views and not be banned.
Because T-Dave is respectful and not slanderous or personally insulting in the way he presents his views.
I think--and certainly hope-- that I present my conservative views with a similar lack of rancor. I can be a little hot-tempered when I've been misrepresented or insulted, but endeavor to be polite, often even when I've been provoked.
Although I've certainly had my ill-tempered moments, most of which are preserved in the Grant Morrison topics. Clearly provoked.
I enjoy reading T-Dave's views, and those of many others whose views are to the left of mine. I generally find it informative to read liberal views, and see issues from the fresh perspective, of a view very different from my own. T-Dave, I can certainly be passionate in expressing my own perspective, and certainly hope that's never mistaken for a lack of respect for your views. I greatly enjoy reading what you have to say.

Thanks man. People are fully entitled to express themselves: just because they disagree with what I think doesn't make them a bad person. You've given your views a lot of thought, and I have to respect that.

An inability to understand someone's else position because you (not "you", but people generally) are entrenched in yours is a terrible character flaw which too many people (and not just posters) suffer from.

Personal attacks are the last resort of the inept advocate.

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