Dear Jackie:
I have recieved around 12 e-mails from Bobo with the "your banned" (too bad I lost those things when Hotmail deleted the stuff in my account). I got banned so many times not because Rob unbanned me (wich he did, but only after several months had passed after he had banned me), but because I used to have a connection that gave me a different IP every time I got online.
Nowadays, when I get banned from the DCMBs I have to wait months until the banning is reverted. I don't really mind it, since I can talk about comics here, and the only other thing I did there was annoy people, something I can do anywhere. If think that if I got unbanned to today I'd probably BSAMS a few topics or make an extremely long signature to get banned again. The only thing that I don't like about getting banned on the DCMBs is that I don't get those "your banned" e-mails anymore... That was what made the banning worth it!
Anyways, Jackie, I think my relationship with Grob has improved since the days when I was a regular poster at the DCMBs (I used to fuckin' hate the guy... Heh!), but the bannings are still the same, if not worse.
Thanks for your time, Jackie, and, by the way, I think the next time everyone would appreciate it if you'd just cut to the chase and ask directly what you want to know, instead of dancing around the question before doing it for whatever reason.