this is what we'll have, so far, for regular features:
beat this caption - me - amazing forum
toy review - jaburgie - comics forum
rdcw - doc/nowhereman - bottom forum
gaming - pariah - game forum
cartoons - wedgie - media forum
sports - pennie - sports forum
wrestling - nowhereman - sports forum
and, we could still use a bunch more!
someone could do a political rant (dtwb? whomod?)
you guys could start updating the online comic
someone could regulate the weekly hot girl (tk?)
how about some chick giving "advice for guys" (star? cj?)
chewy, you wanna bring back yer net article?
someone could bring back "character v2.0" or "comic book fights"
maybe we could get some novel reviews?
whatever you can possibly bring to the table, please bring it!