
TK-069 said:

Son of Mxy said:
I once started a comic strip that stars URG over(I managed to write 4 strips in a coupla hours) at Dave's boards. Unfortunately, things fell through the cracks during the permission granting stage because I couldn't find URG's agent, as he has not yet returned from the weekly Sabertooth tiger hunt. (It's not really that hard to create a comic concept based on the RKMBs, seeing as to how you got a wealth of eccentric - and by "eccentric" I meant "deranged and possibly gay" - posters here. The ALT IDs alone are worth it, and then you also got regulars like Llance, bsams, Nowhereman, TK etc. etc. who have developed some sort of personality by means of their posts alone....

I'm just pitching ideas though....

I've started a strip a few weeks back for my own personal pleasure about us. Only Rob, Nowhereman, FNB and I are in it, so far.

Royalties brother,dont fergit dem royalties!