Stupid Doog said: this had nothing to do with the car accident. She ran away from home and changed her cell phone number. Being a concerned friend (and honestly I wanted to be more than that) I went to visit her at work like she has done to me in the past. Unfortunately she wasn't there, so I left her a note telling her I missed her and to call me to talk.
Late next night I get a phone call from some guy named Adam who claims he's her boyfriend, and that I'm freaking her out and I need to stop stalking her. After a little argument I hang up and go back to sleep. An hour later I get a text message from the girl saying Adam isn't her boyfriend and she misses me and wants to talk to me and see me. So I pick up the phone and talk to her and find out whats going on and why she left and I'm real sympathetic and I tell her I'll be there if she needs me, and she says I'm sweet and wants to get lunch with me that week.
Next morning I'm thinking about it and I wonder how Adam got my cell number and why he thinks I'm stalking her, so I call her and question the girl who says he's jealous because he likes her, and he overheard her talking about me and decided to call and threaten me when she was in the bathroom and I have nothing to worry about. I don't buy that explanation, but I tell her I'll call tomorrow for lunch and she says okay.
I call the next day and leave a voice mail. She never calls me back. A week later I find out she's staying at her uncles house so I call there and leave a message. Hour later I get a threatening phone call from her uncle saying if anyone else finds out wheres she's at he's going to "come at me". A couple months go by and it's New Years. I look at my phone around 1 am and it shows the girl called, so I call back. Adam picks up and we get into an argument, and I find out the girl told him I was stalking her and handed him the phone to call and threaten me. I tell him she's lying and tell her what she told me, and he says he doesn't give a shit and I just need to back off. I tell him he can go fuck himself and he tells me I made the biggest mistake of my life. The douche never follows up on the threat. After that I just deleted her phone number and never tried talking to her again. I've had enough backstabbing friends, I don't need anymore.
Thats terrific
I brew beer now. Brewing beer is cool.