
Prometheus said:


I would be annoyed at Gallifrey being destroyed off camera, but I think it will be back by the end of the series

Again, disagree. Don't know whether it will be back, but, I hope not. Destroying his home and people is a great move into a new era of the show, where he is completely alone in the universe. I love this new aspect, and I hope they explore it more...

It just felt that they were cutting off a lot of possibilities just to give the character some resonance that could be equally achieved by playing up the angle of him being estranged from his hom.

however, this war seems to be a majo point that will be properly explored at a later date.

My one other quibble is the time rotor (this is SO minor and SO fanboy).
It seems a little bit covered up. Would like it's movement in flight to be a bit more obvious.

told ya it was stupidly minor!