Thanks, Pro! That was funny!

"Exterminate me!" LoL!!

I'm watching Dr Who on the telly right now. It's pretty good. " WORLD WAR III." Next Friday : The Daleks!

My Dr Who memories :

It was sometime in 1979 that I saw my very first Dr Who episode. It was The Sontaran Experiment. I only saw part one. They played it twice that week. I ..have to say that I was indifferent... and did not watch it again...until...

4 years later : It's 1983, sometime in the fall., around Nov - Dec...I was living with George, my partner at the time. I was home from shopping downtown. It was early afternoon on a rainy, cold Saturday.

"Hello, how was town?" He asked me.

" It was okay. ", I answered unenthusiastically.

I was in a bad mood. He saw it.

" Why don't we watch tv together?"

He turned on PBS. Dr Who was on.

" This is Dr Who. Have you ever seen it?"

"Yeah," I said..." But I wasn't impressed."

" Well, try watching it again, ok?"

So I did. The episode was " The Time Monster", a third Doctor episode with Jon Pertwee, God bless him. I liked it. I liked it a lot!

I watched Dr Who regularly after that. I wished I had been taping them. After a time, I did start taping them. It took about 3 years to get all but one of the Tom Baker, nearly all the Pertwee, and a bunch of Hartnell and Troughton eps.

I got into Tom Baker's Doctor BIGTIME. I did that painting of him in late 1988. He is my favorite Doctor now. Pertwee is a close second, with Hartnell in third place.

I have an 8" talking Fourth Doctor figure. He says six cool phrases, with Tom Baker's voice. He comes with a talking K-9, who says 2 phrases. I have all of Tom Baker's episodes now, having gotten "Shada" at a store.
Maybe sometime, I'll write a fan fic about the Doctor.

I have the 12" TARDIS that my Dr. figure came in, and an 8" plastic TARDIS replica, as well. I have two old Dr Who books, one is an episode guide, the other, a list of Dr Who characters and terminology from A - Z. I have some Dr Who drawings I've done. When I find them, I'll post them here. I recall I did a rather elaborate sketch of the Doctor and Leela in the TARDIS having a conversation about dinosaurs, as they'd just materialized in the cretaceous era.

God, I wish I was a timelord! Would love to travel to so many times and places. Who wouldn't ?

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.