Okay, so you know how I said 'Tooth & Claw' was good? And how I was praising it for feeling like old Who?

Well, it's a damn good episode. No doubt. But, I just watched 'School Reunion'.

I'm certain there was a plot in there. But, I simply ignored it. I ignored Rose, and Mickey as well. Because this was the one where we get to meet up with two old friends: Sarah-Jane Smith and K-9.

It was incredible. I mean moving. Will new fans that never experienced the old stuff get as much of a charge off of it? Maybe. Maybe not. But, this was the tribute. This is what I've been waiting for. This was the bow to the old series.

It wasn't just "Oh hey, old companion appears." It was all ABOUT tying up old loose ends. About old friends meeting again. And, it gave the most popular companion of the old series...the one that stayed longer than any other single companion (5 years)...her proper due. Her proper story. Her justified final hurrah.

I have to say, just because she and Tom were the duo that originally got me into the show when I was six, it was like coming home. I haven't felt as happy, or as thrilled, or as emotionally moved with this new series as I was with this episode.

This episode gave me what I've been missing. This is the one that made me a kid again.

My GOD it fucking rocks. Anthoney Stewart-Head (Giles from BUFFY) plays his role so superbly. I'll go ahead and spoil it by saying, he's not The Master. But, just watching him the entire time.....he DAMN well should be. Russel Davies will be commiting the most heinous crime if he doesn't rethink this aspect. Head's character would be the perfect Master. Period. The end. No debate.

It's right. It's good. It's satisfying from beginning to end. I simply cannot say enough good things about it. In the end, this is for us old schoolers. As it should be...