
Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

Thank you, UJ!! I knew I couldn't have been the ONLY one here who has long wanted to see a scene like that one pictured above....with The 4 th Doctor on the bridge of the Enterprise 1710 D, sharing jelly babies with Captain Picard....

Imagine the dialogue between Data and K - 9!!

K - 9 : " What form of life are you?"

Data : " My name is Commander Data. I am an android. An artificial being created to resemble a human."

K- 9 : " I am K - 9. I am a robotic dog. I am the Doctor's assistant. You will back off and allow me to make the nessecary repairs to the console."

Data : " That would not be acceptable. You are not authorized to make any repairs to this ship."

K - 9 : ( extends his nose ray gun and assumes a defensive posture. )

" I am K - 9, I am an expert at making repairs to machinery. Retreat, retreat!"

At this point, the 4 th Doctor, portrayed by Tom Baker enters the bridge.

Doctor : " K - 9, what's going on then?"

K - 9 : " Master, I am attemping to make repairs to this android named Commander Data's damaged console, and he is resisting."

Doctor : " K - 9, don't be rude. This is Commander Data's ship. I assume that, being an artificial form of life, that he is just as adept as you are at repairing damaged machines. Put your weapon away and apologize to Commander Data."

K - 9 reluctantly withdraws his ray weapon, says, " I am sorry, Commander Data.", lowers his head, makes a sad sound and slowly backs away from Commander Data.

Commander Data : " K - 9 appears to be sad now because you would not allow him to be helpful."

Doctor : " He'll get over it. Would you like a jelly baby?"

The Doctor produces a bag of jelly babies from hi pocket and offers them to Data.

Data picks on e up, and stares at it.

Commnader Data : " Ah...sugared confection. Humans find these quite appealing. I, however, being an android, do not comsume such things. Thank you, but no thank you."

The Doctor notices Counselor Troi has entered the room.

The Doctor : " Hello, young lady, would you like a jelly baby?" He asks her as he points the bag in her direction.

She just looks at the bag with a look of curiousity.

Commander Data : " They are sugared confection, Counselor. You have demonstrated a fondness for chocolate and sugared confections."

Counselor Troi : " Oh, thank you! she says as she smiles and reaches into the bag, pulling out a few of them and eating one while holding the other jelly babies in her hand. The Doctor smiles that ever popular toothy grin of his.

Worf enters the room.

The Doctor offers the candy to him.

Worf : " I prefer Gagh! I do NOT eat candy. It is too sweet!"

The Doctor turns to Counselor Troi, who wears a bit of a smirk after hearing Worf's remark.

The Doctor : " What is Gagh?"

Counselor Troi : " Worf is Klingon. It is live baby eels. On his homeworld, Gagh is considered a delicasy."

The Doctor : " That sounds nasty."

The Doctor spots Geordi LaForge, rushes after him and offers him a jelly baby.


That is how THAT might go...and imagine if the Lost In Space Robot was there, too!!

Robot : " Danger, Captain Picard, an alien intruder is present aboard the Enterprise! Danger!"

Cool.......Sorry, I'm just geeking out over these possibilities!!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.