Good point on both fronts. I usually talk serious Who on other boards, as, normally, no one on here gives a shit. But, if you want to talk some Who...

-Yeah, I knew that they were double-casting. It's not without precedence, though. Look at Brigadier, Romana II, and even the 6th Doctor. All appeared on the series as other characters before being cast as the ones we know them for. So, it doesn't really bother me. Besides, she had about five minutes of air time, and maybe three lines before she got Cyberized. So, I'll judge her when she becomes the "Martha" character.

-In Eccleston's episode "The Empty Child", a character comments with the line "Before this war I was a father, and a grandfather." The Doctor replied "I know what you mean...". But, you're right. The entire subject of Susan has always been something of an enigma. Half of fandom believe she is something of an adopted child, calling The Doctor "grandfather" because (A) he raised her, and, (B) he was late into the elderly stage of his original incarnation by the time we first meet the character. The other half have always subscribed to the notion that she is, indeed, his granddaughter. I'm in the latter camp, myself. To me, it would be absurd to think he had lived so many centuries, and had never once fallen in love or fathered a child. Tennant's line just pretty much confirmed it, is all.

I, for one, would hope we see Susan again someday. She was a Time Lord, after all. Therefore, any modern actress could play her in a new incarnation. Although, it would be so much more effective if Carol Ann Ford (the original Susan) appeared in a regeneration scene...

Didn't realize you were following the series now, NM. Did you ever even try Eccleston's episodes?