
Nowhereman said:
The Earth thing isnt a fault you can aim soley at Tennants run though.
I had the same issue with Ecclestons run.

Back in the day, Baker et al would rarely spend any time on Earth, or in the current era, but since the revamp, both Eccleston & Tennant spend nearly every episode on Earth or in a reletively similar time period!

I let it go for Eccleston's run because Davies said he wanted to slowly get people used to the idea. It was the second season. Time to jump out there more. Maybe with the Rose stuff put away now, he will.

Also, this is pretty much the same reason I'm not a fan of Pertwee's era. Nothing against the man or his performance, I just don't like a Doctor bound to the Earth.


Nowhereman said:
Personally I like Tennant for all the reasons you guys dislike him!
I like the fact he is more knowledgeable or cocky (depends on how you look at it).
I also like the fact that he has a really dark side, and seems more inclined to kill than any other Doctor, something that if the writers had any sense, could lead to a future possible dark regeneration or even be how Tennant ends his run!

I don't mind cocky. Colin Baker's Doctor was cocky, and it got him into all kinds of trouble. Tom Baker's Doctor was very egotistical and also led to him missing important clues or coming to the wrong conclusions. If Tennant was wrong a little more often, I'd be cool with it. And I, too, like the darker aspect of Tennant's Doctor since it was shown in the first Christmas Special. I just don't think Davies uses it enough. Other writers have explored that aspect and his willingness to take chances better as was shown in The Girl in the Fireplace and The Satan Pit.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."