Quote: Nowhereman said: I was reading a newspaper the other day & rumours are that they are trying to get John Simm to play the part as The Master for the new series! I could actually see Simm as a good Doctor rather than The Master, but he is a good actor so he might pull it off if the rumours are true!
If you get a chance (if it aint available there, torrent it), check him out in the BBC tv show "Life on Mars" in which he plays a modern day police officer who finds himself stuck in the 70s.
Also, there is talk of what I assume is another timelord, called The Professor! By all accounts The Doctor thinks he is a nice guy, but discovers he is evil & a timelord when he sees him regenerate!
Yeah, I've seen 'Life on Mars'. Pretty damn good. Nice concept, either way.
The Professor part is being played by Sir Derek Jacobi. Now, whether he's a Time Lord or not, I don't know.
As with that, and the whole Master business, isn't all this coming from The Sun? Are they really that reliable?
They are as reliable as any other rumour source! Some shit is reliable, some isnt!
To be honest, there would be no reason to make this up. Simm is a good actor, and reasonably popular but he hardly has the star power to make people say "Holy shit, its John Simm!" If they were to say it was gonna be someone like Jude Law or Ewan Magregor, then I might start to call it into question!
" Parting Of The Ways " was on BBC America tonight, I only happened to find it due to the fact that I am sick with bronchitis, am stuck in bed most of the day and night, and was channel flipping when I came upon the episode, almost from the beginning. It was awesome!
I won't give anything away, but the ending rocked!
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
Currently, I'm not really giving a shit about the new Who right now. Davies needs to go, or at least have less control over the show. Tennant I'm willing to give another shot. So far, though, he ain't burnin' up the TV screen as the Doctor. If he keeps up the way he's going, I'm going to have to file him next to Peter Cushing's performance and imagine all his episodes had Rowan Atkinson as the Doctor.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
Tennant doesn't bother me, as much as he doesn't really affect me. Eccleston was so fucking powerful. Tennant feels like someone "trying" to play The Doctor. He's not terrible. But, I don't really synch into him, you know?
I'll stick with it, though. I stuck through the JNT/Colin's outfit years. I've stuck through Sylvester McCoy's first season, and Tom Baker's last. I took Peter Davison's active indecision on his character, Syl's umbrella and questionmark vest, and "Half-Human".
TENNANT SIGNS FOR THIRD RUN AS DOCTOR WHO Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network (www.wenn.com) 2007-03-23 18:41:12 -
Scottish actor DAVID TENNANT has reportedly signed a $1.95 million (£1 million) deal to star in a third series of DOCTOR WHO. The actor replaced CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON as the time lord in the cult BBC show in 2005 in the second series of the rejuvenated programme. A TV source tells British newspaper Daily Mirror, "He's finished filming the third series and he's signed a contract to appear in the whole of the next series. "That will see him filming throughout 2008. It's brilliant for the show and the fans."
I recently stumbled across these MARVEL PREMIERE appearances of Doctor Who in issues 57-60.
Especially cool are the covers of the first two issues, the first by Walt Simonson, the second by Frank Miller/Terry Austin.
The interior art is by Dave Gibbons, reprinted from British magazines, circa 1979-1980.
I've always been partial to the Tom Baker portrayal of Doctor Who. And these were published in the era of (and have the likeness and portrayal of) Tom Baker.
Some other interesting movie appearances of Tom Baker:
Nicholas and Alexandra (1971), a superbly acted historical drama about the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, as his country succumbs to the Bolsheviks. Tom Baker plays a decadent but politically skillful Rasputin.
Frankenstein, the True Story (1974), where he plays a ship's captain on a cross-Atlantic voyage by Victor Frankenstein.