
thedoctor said:
Yes, because all the shit the Doctor's been doing the past season wasn't just a bunch of hocus-pocus, aliens, and drivel. Especially with the help of his magic wand.... oops.... I meant Sonic Screwdriver. (And I was happy for just a bit when he destroyed it in the season premier. Too bad they gave him another one at the end of the ep.) You can masquerade science as magic; but when you make both the same thing, it just becomes fucking retarded. As long as it doesn't become too deus ex machina, it's fine. Leave it be and use some imagination.

Oh, I think you're misreading me here. I wasn't talking neccessarily about Who, per se. More about "magic" itself. But, you know that already. It's not like this is the first time we've had this conversation.

And, I'm certain we're in agreement about the overuse of the sonic screwdriver, and silliness. But, did you notice he didn't use it at all in this last episode? Totally dug him going into it with just his brains...