Man, you're certainly getting hard to please. I thought the episode was pretty fucking good. And, although I never laughed at the catguy, I also didn't realize he was supposed to be funny.

Also, nice use of an old, Troughton-era villian (it was Troughton, right?), as well as the emotions from all the people. Thought the story and concept behind it was tight, and am really liking Martha's evolution as just a normal companion. Their conversation at the end, about the beauty of Gallifrey was awesome. I mean, we've seen it in the old episodes. But, the description really allowed me to reboot all of that, and think about how gorgeous it would be with modern effects. And, speaking of the effects, they were pretty damn flawless in this.

Not to mention, what about The Face of Boe's secret, eh? This could get very interesting.

As for the next episode, the only thing I could cringe on is a lot of Brit actors doing bad American accents...