Finished the second disc...did I mention how much I love Netflix?

Anyways, I have seen the episode with the female S-alien, so watching the two earlier episodes with her brothers explained a lot.

I assume that retro talking toolbox that looked like R2-D2 on an acid trip was from a previous Dr. Who series. That being said, it was a very sad sort of episode, although I'm still not sure how Rose touching it made it go insane. Actually, I understood nothing in that episode, and a little miffed that they made a corny captailist-American villian (wow, how original), but I enjoyed it for the ride.

Also, in the beginning of the robot episode, Dr. Who was looking at the head of a white robot and mentioned it was an enemy. Who was it?

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream