
Cowgirl Jack said:
Anyways, I have seen the episode with the female S-alien, so watching the two earlier episodes with her brothers explained a lot.

Yeah, not my favorite storyline, really. Too much farting..


I assume that retro talking toolbox that looked like R2-D2 on an acid trip was from a previous Dr. Who series.

Yep, they're called "Daleks". And, they're considered his greatest of all enemies. They've been around pretty much from the start of the series, first appearing in the second episode back in 1963...

A colorized shot of their first appearance...that's the very first Doctor in front


That being said, it was a very sad sort of episode,

You'd be sad too if they wiped out your entire race...


although I'm still not sure how Rose touching it made it go insane.

They can absorb energy/power through genetic contact. When she touched it (as it tricked her into doing), it absorbed just enough from her to recharge to full power. The "go insane" part is merely just it's basic nature. Daleks have one purpose, and one purpose only: destroy all lifeforms in the universe, except themselves. The ultimate racial purifiers.


Actually, I understood nothing in that episode,

What made it so confusing? I thought it was pretty open for any and all newbies.


and a little miffed that they made a corny captailist-American villian (wow, how original), but I enjoyed it for the ride.

I hear you. Although, in the series defense...I don't think Who has ever done that angle before. Usually they pick on the Germans (you know the Brits still haven't forgiven them for the Blitz).


Also, in the beginning of the robot episode, Dr. Who was looking at the head of a white robot and mentioned it was an enemy. Who was it?

As Jaburg explained, they're cyborg creatures called "Cybermen". They also first appeared back in the 60's, and could be considered the Doc's second or third worst enemy.