
rex said:

What made it so confusing? I thought it was pretty open for any and all newbies.

This is the one episode I didn't watch until after the season ended and the only reason I understood it better was because I had seen later episodes and everyone here explaining the whole Dalek thing to me. Not explaining the Daleks better was my biggest problem with season one.

Hmmm...I guess I can kind of see that. I imagine going into it with pre-knowledge of them sort of filled in the gaps, and I didn't notice there being anything confusing. Still, it was merely set up to be: Unstoppable bad guy Doctor has met before. They set it up like that, and didn't download a lot of info, because they didn't want to confuse newbies. Heh. Interesting how TPTB in media never quite pick up on the above-average intelligence of their viewers...