
Nowhereman said:
I think that some of you are forgetting that the original Doctor Who run was mostly ridiculous and stupid, which was part of its charm, and the reason it became so popular (it was so bad that it was great).

For some reason now though you all seem to want highbrow entertainment, which is not what Who is about!

The only genuine fault I find with the second run (and that includes Ecclestones highly overrated run as it was no different to the Tennant run), is that too much of it is set on Earth!

Are you kidding? I haven't forgotten a thing about the original series! I grew up worshipping that legendary pile of crappy goodness. But, overall, Season One had more fire, passion, coolness, and excitement than pretty much all of the Second Season. Yet, it seems that this third season is picking back up again. And, that's great. But, for all my love of all things Who, I can call a bad episode from a good one. It's like comparing Baker's "City of Death" to McCoy's "Delta and the Bannermen". I accept both as Who. However, I know the difference between good Who and bad Who.

And, in the end, it always comes down to personal opinion...