Two things...


PrincessElisa said:
Wow....that was a mature article on relationships :P Thought up by a college freshmen boy no doubt!

I resent that!I am not a college freshman...I'm a senior. (wait...I didn't write the article either. My bad.)


I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Oh, Brian... What's happened to you? You used to be such an innocent boy and now you're cheating on women. Have the assmonkeys corrupted you?

(Why I feel the need to reply to this quote, I don't know...)

I'm still a good person who's been after the same thing I've always been after: a good life with a good woman. Hopefully, I'm on the verge of starting something special with Diane...although the Jessica situation is also kinda touchy feely right now, which makes it even more awkward. Anyways, I posted the article because I noticed the frequency of guys doing this. If I were dating someone, I'd remain exclusive to her and her alone.