
Mon, Apr. 11th, 2005, 11:16 pm
This respons doesn't surprise me...
Just went back to Rob's boards to find this waiting for me in a PM from the troll:

Bitch...do your ignorant ass a favor and never speak to me again. Ever. I suggest you put me on ignore from this moment on. If you ever reply to another post I make I will call your ignorant, homophobic ass down.

I have yet to see you post anything that even resembles logic (and I'm not alone in this thought...I have a stack of PM's that laugh at your ignorance...so don't tell me about your 'several' posters who are tired of me...more of your delusions). You are just a bitter middle aged hag who clings to her faith for some hope of something in her empty life. Don't inflict it on the rest of us. The world would be a much happier place without judgemental voices of ignorance like yours.

Shut the fuck up. Or at least know what you're talking about before you speak. And yes, the contents of your message is going on display for the rest of the board.

I'm going to ignore it because I'd rather not waste my time repsonding to it and I do me it and in the person, not the post.