
Mon, Apr. 11th, 2005, 10:40 pm
He's nothing more than a troll...

First he cusses me out, THEN he send me 3 PMs today in litterally the span of an hour and has the nerve to say he never did that? Claims one was from last week. BULL and I've proven you wrong.

So I finally sent him my response and this is what I wrote.

What's my Problem? What's MY problem?

You're one to talk. You claim you are innocent in everything, yet I've seen you come into threads and do nothing but cuss people out. I don't like trolls, and you fall into that catagory.

You accuse me of never researching things, yet you have never ONCE posted anything to prove your points. I have researched things more than you have EVER. In addition to that, I don't need to cuss people out because I'm losing an argument. I can have a sane, rational argument/debate with people, without cussing them out.

YOU on the other hand can't do any of that. You are nothing more than a troll and frankly there are SEVERAL posters here that are tired of that crap.

and another thing, appology NOT accepted. I've taken and fought enough abuse in real life from my own parents, I WONT tollerate or accept it online! That goes especially for people who cuss me out for no reason, regardless of appology. If you're THAT ticked off about something, take it up elsewhere DON'T you DARE cuss me out and be surprised for getting slapped down from me.