It happens. About four years ago, I was seriously on the verge of stopping. I was really losing interest. A lot of indie stuff I liked wasn't coming out with any regularity, and a lot of the mainstream stuff I was into had either ended or just wasn't grabbing me.

Then about a year later, things started picking up some and the mainstream books I still collected started getting really good again. And some other books like Planetary slowly started coming out again (emphasis on slowly).

But now, I find myself again becoming more and more indifferent to a lot of the mainstream books out there. The indie stuff I'm into is still grabbing me. Stuff by Eric Powell, Mignola, Guy Davis, Dan Brereton, the Vigils, etc. and most of these guys have books out or on the way right now. So that's keeping me interested. But I dunno.

I feel I'll be dropping a lot of stuff over the next year. But I could be wrong. It may just be a whim.