And I'm really enjoying comics, especially superhero ones! HAs the quality got any better - I don't think so but like Jeremy, I just like reading about them!

However, the cost is killing me....and you guys think you pay a lot? Their far more expensive over here - Thanks for nothing Diamond UK Cunts!

As much as it pains me to say it, Danny is right. Buy the comics that hold your interest not out of habit! If comics aren't doing it for you and you need you hero fix, then you are right and should carry on buying back issues! Superman is especially good because a lot of the back issues are quite cheap.

I am Happy to say that Danny is wrong on his first statement, Nowhereman was a big big comics fan - he dropped them all about 4 years ago and hasn't picked one up or a trade since then!

Trades and Marvels HCs are pretty sexy and Borders are thinking about doing those really thick Marvel HCs regularly - they've only done the Ultimate Spidey one so far which I picked up for 20 bucks - that's over 40 issues or material!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!