I'm down to
All Star Superman
All Star Batman (against my better judgement)
Green Lantern
She Hulk
the Ultimates
Morrison's Frankenstein.
What's especially troubling is that, of that list, three (Batman, Superman and Frankenstein) are limited series, one is about to end its run (Planetary) and one (the Ultimates) is going to finish with the current creative team and then be taken over by title-killer Jeph Loeb and the incredibly unreliable Joe Mad. So, unless something new comes along to take their place, in less than a year, I'll be down to two regular books (and I'm seriously thinking of switching to the trades for She Hulk).
There are a few series that I collect in trades: Whedon's X-men, Tom Strong. And a few series that I pick up when they come out (which is irregularly) like Astro City and Flaming Carrot.
But in terms of monthlies, its gotten to the point where most weekends it isn't worth the gas or time to drive to local shop.