I'm down to..

All Star Superman
Captain Atom (mini)
Green Lantern
Infinite Crisis (mini)
JSA (nearly done with this book)
Justice (mini)
Teen Titans (nearly done with this book)
7 Soldiers (all minis and books)
Age of Bronze
New Avengers
Red Sonja
Perhapanauts (mini)

Tom Strong and promethea are over...
Planetary is nearly over...
I get trades or hardcovers for Usagi yojimbo, Oh My Goddess, The Goon, Hellboy, Invincible, she-hulk, probably thing, ultimate spidey, Lions, Tigers, & Bears...

I used to buy way more stuff..

That said I'm looking forward to some of the one year later stuff like the Robinson then Dini Batman, Any new Gail Simone stuff other than birds of prey, Shadowpact, might try Flash when it resurrects with Waid and Lashley, Busiek and Pacheco superman also sounds good.... dodson on wonder woman also has me intrigued if the writer is good.

The marvel stuff circling is boring me even more than the DC stuff...

Morrison on the authority and wildcats also has possibilities...

Last edited by Pig Iron; 2006-01-24 12:42 AM.