I know many of you still hate me. I can live with that but...

take a dlink: Hi! It's Sideways!
TheElisaPrincess: Ive missed you sooooooo much!
TheElisaPrincess: Whats up sideways?
TheElisaPrincess: are you alright?
take a dlink: I think so..
TheElisaPrincess: what happened with your car?
take a dlink: My car's on its last leg..
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwww poor baby, I'm sooo sorry
take a dlink: It's the battery, or so I thought
take a dlink: Now I think it may be the startup
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwww so how are you going to get around?
take a dlink: I have a bike for just such an occasion.
TheElisaPrincess: ten speed or motorcycle?
take a dlink: Neither. It's a cruiser
take a dlink: I can't ride a ten speed too well.
TheElisaPrincess: cool!!!!!!
take a dlink: Um, did you really mean what you said in PM about me being a good guy?
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah why wouldn't I???
TheElisaPrincess: What I think about everybody was posted for the world to see.....they told me they weren't gonna post it.....the liars
take a dlink: What do you mean?
TheElisaPrincess: they had a rkmb chat and I told them how i felt about other people confidentially and they posted it on the boards....my own dumb fault
TheElisaPrincess: Anyways....you're awesome....and I now agree with you about UJ
take a dlink: I don't understand.. What did you hope to gain by telling them what you thought about us?
TheElisaPrincess: it wasn't that....just the drama of the boards
TheElisaPrincess: the whole bat/mg thing primarily
TheElisaPrincess: and you weren't included cuz you're a nice guy
take a dlink: I might need to be filled in a bit more cause I'm not around the boards very much.
TheElisaPrincess: dont worry bout it.....not worth the effort
TheElisaPrincess: how was owrk?
TheElisaPrincess: work oops
take a dlink: How did it come about that you tell all of them?
TheElisaPrincess: oh not all of em
TheElisaPrincess: it was in a private chat with UJ, Mxy, sams, and Rex....
take a dlink: Or, all the people in the chat room?
TheElisaPrincess: "private"
TheElisaPrincess: then mxy saved it and posted it......the loser
take a dlink: So they asked you to tell them what you thought about everyone, and you did?
TheElisaPrincess: oh no
TheElisaPrincess: just bout batwoman and mcgurk
take a dlink: Well, I was just curious
take a dlink: Cause they seem to hate me over there.
take a dlink: Maybe you see something in me that they don't.
TheElisaPrincess: they are all just a buncha losers anyways
TheElisaPrincess: No.....they hate all nice people
TheElisaPrincess: its a quality of rkmbers....
TheElisaPrincess: nice, normal people
take a dlink: I don't know bat or mcgurk that well, except that bat and rex sorta introduced me to alias
TheElisaPrincess: Oh yeah........i remember that show
take a dlink: Well, I always thought bsams and mxy and UJ were losers, but Pariah and McGurk and the others in that room? All of them?
take a dlink: If so, you're to sweet for them anyways. (smile)
TheElisaPrincess: No nono.......the rest are okay
TheElisaPrincess: MG has pretty mean in the past.........
TheElisaPrincess: want me to call you? I have free long distance.....or do you have to wake up early tomorrow?
take a dlink: Okay I'm lost... who's a winer and who's a loser?
TheElisaPrincess: Um.......I never liked MG or BW that much, bsams, or mxy
TheElisaPrincess: and UJ
TheElisaPrincess: everyone else is cool
take a dlink: brb... should only take a minute...
TheElisaPrincess: mk
take a dlink: computerz freezing up!
take a dlink: I have fre long distance too, actually... would you rather call me or me call you? I'll do either one..
TheElisaPrincess: I dont know my number yet...just moved bout a week ago, so lemme call you!
take a dlink: Okay... I'm on dial up (still) so wait 10 minutes
TheElisaPrincess: wait i need your number first silly (wink)
take a dlink: it's 305-460-3285
take a dlink: Why can't all girls be as sweet and humble as you are? And what kind of jerks and a half would post private chats like they did?
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwww isnt that a question for the ages (wink)
take a dlink: Don't worry, I'm sure the answers will surface sooner or later.
TheElisaPrincess: its okay if they dont......Im used to things being crazy
take a dlink: Well good.
take a dlink: I'm a bit nervous here but excited. I didn't think I'd get to hear your voice tonight! You saved the day!
TheElisaPrincess: Awwwwwwww thanks (smile)
TheElisaPrincess: illw ait ten minutes (smile)
take a dlink: I'm ready now.. *kotc*
take a dlink: Looking forward to it!
TheElisaPrincess: awwww *kotc* mk!!!!! Me too (smile)
take a dlink: The best is yet to come.
take a dlink: Signing off now.

What a two-faced twatlick!

I'm glad I discovered this long before she found out my first name!