rexstardust99 has entered the room.
(10:55:14 PM)UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
Pariah186(10:55:17 PM): GmScHrLdR18 (10:51:36 PM): who is this
rexstardust99(10:55:30 PM): I don't know.
UltimateJaburg53(10:55:42 PM): Hi, p
Pariah186(10:56:00 PM): Hi J
rexstardust99(10:56:02 PM): Invite him
Pariah186(10:56:06 PM): I'm being swamped by trolls
Pariah186(10:56:09 PM): but it's okay
Pariah186(10:56:17 PM): cuz' I'm having fun giving them the runaround
UltimateJaburg53(10:56:38 PM): Yeah?
Pariah186(10:56:46 PM): Yep.
UltimateJaburg53(10:56:54 PM): ok
Pariah186(10:57:05 PM): prolly Mxy
rexstardust99(10:57:30 PM): I invited sideways's imaginary woman.
rexstardust99(10:57:38 PM): Should I invite him too?
(10:57:42 PM)Faora has entered the room.
Pariah186(10:57:43 PM): heh
UltimateJaburg53(10:57:45 PM): yea
Pariah186(10:57:51 PM): yes!
Faora(10:57:57 PM): hey
Faora(10:58:00 PM): what's up?
Pariah186(10:58:20 PM): well
UltimateJaburg53(10:58:20 PM): nuttin!
Pariah186(10:58:27 PM): I'm currently trolling
Pariah186(10:58:28 PM): you?
rexstardust99(10:58:28 PM): Who are you? Are you someone from robs boards?
Faora(10:58:30 PM): you invited me here for nuttin?
UltimateJaburg53(10:58:41 PM): Who is this?
Pariah186(10:58:41 PM): no. Seriously
Faora(10:58:43 PM): trolling.. okay, i deserve that
Pariah186(10:58:47 PM): are you Elisa?
Faora(10:58:55 PM): no, Batwoman
rexstardust99(10:59:04 PM): oh.
UltimateJaburg53(10:59:23 PM): I'm convinced
UltimateJaburg53(10:59:49 PM): Let me biggie the window, here
Pariah186(11:00:00 PM): Oh......Woo
Pariah186(11:00:03 PM): *wow
Pariah186(11:00:06 PM): didn't expect that
UltimateJaburg53(11:00:23 PM): What happened P?
UltimateJaburg53(11:00:29 PM): Like something?
(11:00:57 PM)Faora has left the room.
Pariah186(11:01:06 PM): "like" something? I like a lot of things. Just not stuff you're aware......Seriously, rephrase that
UltimateJaburg53(11:02:03 PM): Alot of things? You exagerate!
(11:02:04 PM)Faora has entered the room.
rexstardust99(11:02:10 PM): She's back.
UltimateJaburg53(11:02:15 PM): Ah
UltimateJaburg53(11:02:18 PM): Hello
Faora(11:02:26 PM): Pariah, rex, Ultimate Jaburg53 ...
rexstardust99(11:02:30 PM): yes
Pariah186(11:02:33 PM): Isn't it possible that there are things I like that you're not aware of? HUH!?
UltimateJaburg53(11:02:33 PM): Yes
UltimateJaburg53(11:02:37 PM): Guilty
Pariah186(11:02:39 PM): Yes
Pariah186(11:02:42 PM): Guilty
Faora(11:02:51 PM): Got it. How did I know that?
Pariah186(11:02:57 PM): Er....Innocent would have been more clever
Faora(11:03:11 PM): btw, I'm still here, just multitasking
UltimateJaburg53(11:03:11 PM): I always use the same screen name
rexstardust99(11:03:14 PM): Pariah can never be clever.
Pariah186(11:03:27 PM): I don't do alts
Pariah186(11:03:34 PM): I like to advertize
rexstardust99(11:03:35 PM): I try to use the same screenname, but rex is takes most of the time.
Pariah186(11:03:41 PM): Hey Rex, are you UID?
Faora(11:03:43 PM): I still think the alts should be banned, but that's just me.
Pariah186(11:04:08 PM): I really don't care so much anymore. Used to, now I don't
UltimateJaburg53(11:04:09 PM): They have there place.
Faora(11:04:11 PM): quick question..
Faora(11:04:14 PM): For UJ
UltimateJaburg53(11:04:15 PM): Ok
Pariah186(11:04:20 PM): I agree with that
Pariah186(11:04:27 PM): finesse is the key with alts
Pariah186(11:04:34 PM): I like the Star Trek cosplay
Faora(11:04:49 PM): Does your sister always squeal like a pig when guys fuck her in the ass with a nice prickly cactus?
Pariah186(11:04:52 PM): funny shit
UltimateJaburg53(11:05:01 PM): Yes!
Faora(11:05:03 PM): April Fools, fuckers!!!!
(11:05:06 PM)Faora has left the room.
Pariah186(11:05:19 PM): ROTFLMFAO
rexstardust99(11:05:34 PM): Who the fuck was that??
Pariah186(11:05:35 PM): No seriously, I knew it was him the whole time
Pariah186(11:05:39 PM): Sideways
UltimateJaburg53(11:05:45 PM): Yeah
Pariah186(11:05:56 PM): I already knew BWs ID
rexstardust99(11:05:57 PM): goddamn this is getting confusing.
Pariah186(11:06:00 PM): and that wasn't it
Pariah186(11:06:11 PM): Post this in the thread Rexers
rexstardust99(11:06:29 PM): No, I'm not doing that anymore. You can if you want to.
UltimateJaburg53(11:06:38 PM): Log
Pariah186(11:06:40 PM): Indeed I will
UltimateJaburg53(11:06:45 PM): Please do
Pariah186(11:06:50 PM): its a complement to SW's stupidity.
UltimateJaburg53(11:07:04 PM): Meh
Pariah186(11:07:24 PM): Feh.
Pariah186(11:07:33 PM): Seriously though
rexstardust99(11:07:45 PM): heh
Pariah186(11:07:47 PM): I'm going to make a list of everything I like and the post it. That'll show you all
UltimateJaburg53(11:08:27 PM): Can I fuck your mom?
rexstardust99(11:08:34 PM): Faora: Does your sister always squeal like a pig when guys fuck her in the ass with a nice prickly cactus?
UltimateJaburg53(11:08:39 PM): Yes!
rexstardust99(11:08:42 PM): That was creative though.
Pariah186(11:08:42 PM): Only if you're married to her!
Pariah186(11:08:51 PM): Oh. You're not. So no.
UltimateJaburg53(11:08:54 PM): It only took him an hour
rexstardust99(11:08:58 PM): Anyone else online?
Pariah186(11:09:11 PM): I'm pretty sure Elisa was scared off
UltimateJaburg53(11:09:12 PM): Pariah is!
rexstardust99(11:09:37 PM): Elisa told me she's taking the weekend off to do some shit.
Pariah186(11:09:37 PM): I noticed last night that she read thethread. She didn't bother to post. She just left. I don't imagineshe'll be accompanying us again
Pariah186(11:09:55 PM): oh......Learn something new every hour.
Pariah186(11:12:52 PM): Chat killer
UltimateJaburg53(11:13:04 PM): Yeah
rexstardust99(11:13:18 PM): pretty much. I'm signing off. got up at 4 AM today. Its sleep time.
(11:13:45 PM)rexstardust99 has left the room.
(11:14:00 PM)UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
Pariah186(11:14:08 PM): Fine then! I'm gone too! I'm gonna beat your ass at Chopper Challenge, so......Dammit.