TheElisaPrincess: Finally alone together, my love *yeahs*
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: Finally
TheElisaPrincess: Let us have lesbian cyber sex
TheElisaPrincess: of the most perverted kind :P
TheElisaPrincess: I like Mrs Pacman
TheElisaPrincess: I would like to sex her up
TheElisaPrincess: Do you like Mrs Pacman, my gay amazon?
TheElisaPrincess: WOuld you like to sex her up?
TheElisaPrincess: would you my darling?
TheElisaPrincess: Do me. Make me your Mrs Pacman of love LOLs
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: Why isn't she called Mrs Pacwoman?
TheElisaPrincess: Finger me like you would her
TheElisaPrincess: What?
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: Why is it Mrs PacMAN if she's a woman?
TheElisaPrincess: i dunno....
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: Isn't that racist and ignorant?
TheElisaPrincess: um what are you doing?
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: Why are men such pigs?
TheElisaPrincess: BATS WHAT ARE U DOING?
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: I'm just making a question
TheElisaPrincess: You wanna ask a question? Ask fucking McGurks. I'm here to LESBIANIZE
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: Gob, all you do is think of sex, don't you
TheElisaPrincess: SHUT UP AND CYBER!!!
BatWomanTHISISFAKE: I can't be in a relationship like this
BatWomanTHISISFAKE has left the conversation
TheElisaPrincess: Cunt