My name is Roxanne Alcana. My AOL Instant Messenger user name is Batwoman251, same as my hotmail user name. I am a happily married woman and a mother of three girls, and therefore am not a lesbian. Therefore, I do not take part in lesbian "juicy transcripts", nor was I ever accused or convicted of it until this was posted at your message boards by someone named "I'm Not Mister Mxypltk":

I don't know this person or the woman named "TheElisaPrincess", but I would appreciate it very much if you would have a long talk with him or her about this. Last night alone I have received several Instant Messages from complete strangers and didn't know how to explain this to my eight year old daughter who just happened to be in the room. I don't need the added stress of having to alter my AOL Instant Messenger settings because of some trash talker over the internet.

If Rob's best solution is adding four digits to my screen name, we're going to have some serious problems.