
Matter-eater Man said:
Republican Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle.

And I think his Werthamistic ideas of a society where we censor what we don't agree with are unacceptable. Can I pass a bill to censor his ideas?


As CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann reports, under his bill, public school libraries could no longer buy new copies of plays or books by gay authors, or about gay characters.

Lemme get this straight - anything written by gay authors, even if the actual content had nothing to do with homosexuality, would be banned?

As for banning content with gay characters - what's that going to accomplish? Exposure to gay characters is not automatically going to turn people gay. Is that what yutzes like this are afraid of?

What's next on his agenda? Kicking homosexuals put of the state or the country? Locking them up?


"I don't look at it as censorship," says State Representative Gerald Allen. "I look at it as protecting the hearts and souls and minds of our children."

That's pretty much the same excuse given to justify segregation and the Holocaust. I hate to use an overused comparison, but unfortunately, it is an accurate one.

Hyperbolies aside, it's still censorship. He's still censoring content in the name of supposedly protecting hearts and minds and souls and all that - a cause I've already debunked.


Allen originally wanted to ban even some Shakespeare.


Can any literary majors fill me in on what homosexual content I may have missed in Shakespeare?


"I think it's an absolutely absurd bill," says Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

First Amendment advocates say the ban clearly does amount to censorship.

"It's a Nazi book burning," says Potok.

Again, an overused hyperbole, but an accurate one nevertheless.

Seriosuly, how can anyone view this as anything other than unconstitutional?


But in book after book, Allen reads what he calls the "homosexual agenda," and he's alarmed.

"It's not healthy for America, it doesn't fit what we stand for," says Allen. "And they will do whatever it takes to reach their goal."

What does this Werthamite think America stands for that is contrary to the so-called homosexual agenda?

Come to think of it, what is this homosexual agenda he's talking about? As far as I know, homosexuals aren't out to turn the whole country gay. They just want the right to practice their own lifestyle.

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script