
Animalman said:
I notice you like to use the term "circle-jerk" whenever multiple people with opinions different from your own agree. Which, given the kind of arguments you make about homosexuality(e.g "it's wrong because anal sex can be painful"), happens quite often.

Yeah, I pretty much just learned of its convenience recently. Like it?

Seriously though, too often do I come in contact with discussions here that consist of people repeating aguments that have already been debunked within a thread where everyone's just agreeing about everything because they know if they start it up in another thread, their past failed arguments are gonna come back and haunt them. I also visit a lot of partisan boards where people just like to sit back and say "Uh-huh. Yeah. Uh-huh." and don't want to put their opinions to the test (Klinton = Best example). Then this word suddenly came to mind, "circle-jerk"! Man that's catchy--And accurate.

I'm gonna put it in my sig!


Uschi said:
Nobody forces you to read or post here. Nobody forces me to read through shitpiles of posts on a gigantic thread. Interesting.

So you wanna talk about it, but you just don't wanna bother reading through the subject in question?