
Pariah said:
Seriously though, too often do I come in contact with discussions here that consist of people repeating aguments that have already been debunked within a thread where everyone's just agreeing about everything because they know if they start it up in another thread, their past failed arguments are gonna come back and haunt them.

Actually, I feel the same way, though clearly towards the opposite viewpoint. I thought Wednesday and co. countered DaveTWB's argument about gay marriage(in the gay marriage thread) quite effeciently, within the first couple of pages, and yet, the thread continued on bringing up the same points again and again for a ridiculous number of pages, even branching off into other threads. That's not to say that there wasn't the occasional interesting point made here and there, but, in my mind, the basic argument had already been settled.

Dave's argument was that same-sex marriage undermines the institution of marriage. His only supporting point to this argument was scripture. That argument doesn't work, because marriage is not purely a religious arangement, nor has it been one for quite some time. There are many people who do not get married in a church, and don't want, need, or care for "God's approval"(his words). I can understand the desire to not have gay marriage forced into churches or temples, but I cannot see the logic in having it kept out of courthouses. This country was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and thus deserve equal rights. Even if legal unions allowed for rights equal to those of marriages(which it does not, and I think that is one of the biggest and most unfortunate misconceptions in this country right now), it's still discrimanitory to create an entirely seperate title for same-sex couples.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.