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Hurm...Apparently Magicjay's another Whomod alt. Quote:
Tell us what your particular kinks are, Pariah. I think Catholics have a predeliction for SM & BD.
Illustrated vampiric trannies.
Got eros.com I'm sure you can find someone to accomadate your tastes!
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the G-man said: With all due respect, klinton, even assuming that to be true, how is their failure to see your viewpoint because of their "church ordained agenda" any different than your failure to see their viewpoint due to your "biologically ordained" agenda?
Well, that one is easy.
the "gay agenda" is simply about wanting the freedom to be, to marry , to love without discrimination or inequality. And without condemnation.
Pariah's agenda on the other hand is all about judgement and inequality.
Under those circumstances, who in their right mind would want "understand" their viewpoints? Especially when it's almost exclusively non-gay people telling gay people what they feel and what their desires are and are not and speaking as if it's infallible truth simply because some nomads 5000 years ago declared it to be so.
I dunno..... If Pariah said that left handed people were displeasing to God and should be shunned and spoke with great authority about how it was unnatural, would you be so quick to try to "understand" his point of view?
On page 4, there was an article regarding how gay people's brains react to scent in the same manner as women do. Well worth reading if not well worth attacking the science....
[url=http://www.robkamphausen.com/ubbthreads/...e=0&fpart=2 ]the G-man said[/url] Wednesday and I have an open relationship. And we believe in sharing.
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klinton said: The tissues in the rectum are not irreversibly damaged...if that were the case constipation would be the death of us all. You keep referring to it in terms such as 'blunt force' and 'unwanted'
I never said that it would be irreversibly damaged in every case (although it could be). I did, however, say that it was damaged unnecessarily and is put through more hurtful stress than the vaginal organ and retains much more potential than it for lasting damage.
Tell me something: When you commented on my "unwanted" remark, does that mean you actually look forward to pain, unintentional or otherwise.
...and do little to address an act of love...These words are 'accredited to the sphincters' reaction by people like you...not the participants in the act.
I think I satisfactorilly(sp) addressed the issue of "love" and pleasureable sensations when I analyzed the correlations between homosexuality, pedophilia, and straight up masochism.
You're seeing it say what you want to see.
I find much irony here.
Are gay men more prone to STDs? Yes. But only because the gay community is rampant with casual sex (a situation that is not likely to improve if they cntinue to be marginalized). Can anal sex cause damage to the rectal cavity? Yes. But the severety is not something to note as a 'health risk' or a reason to refrain from the actvity....not even close. Any attempt to say otherwise is just not true. An article from 1990, and Time magazine, ia not an authority on the subject.
With all due respect Klinton, your adamant tone aside, you're not any authority on the subject yourself either.
From more than one source, I'm given the direct statement and reluctant admittance (from the author) that even monogamous anal sex, on a long enough timeline, causes lasting negative effects to the colon interior/anterior. And this isn't by uncommon accidents.
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Pariah said:
Tell me something: When you commented on my "unwanted" remark, does that mean you actually look forward to pain, unintentional or otherwise.
It doesn't hurt. Where did you get the idea that it does?
It can...but that's only if you're nervous or not ready for it. This too is much like sex with a woman.
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Pariah said: From more than one source, I'm given the direct statement and reluctant admittance (from the author) that even monogamous anal sex, on a long enough timeline, causes lasting negative effects to the colon interior/anterior. And this isn't by uncommon accidents.
Where? I didn't see this.
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klinton said:
Wonder Boy said:
In addition, I haven't seen one point raised in this topic that wasn't already covered in detail in the prior topic.
This I'll agree with you on.
I was completetly against the formulation of this new topic...for the very reason that it's an endless circular discussion.
It doesn't have to be "circular".
I often feel liberal use of that word is a dismissive label that bypasses the logic of the conservative perspective, a shortcut that circumnavigates the valid logic and concerns of those who object to gay marriage, and the gay lifestyle in general.
( "You're a homophobe, you're a bigot...")
As I've made abundantly clear, state-sanctioned homosexuality (i.e., gay marriage) immediately renders the ability to publicly read scripture condemning homosexuality a "hate crime", punishable by jail or large fines.
What I liked about the old topic (again, linked above) is that it was a fully realized discussion.
Both sides fully defined the issues from their respective viewpoints, what was so important about this issue that each side felt a need to discuss it.
Defining how both sides feel their rights are infringed upon.
Defining what is important to both sides, that they don't want to lose.
Defining what the threat and the ramifications of the other side's victory would mean.
Articles and facts from each side, defining the basis for their beliefs.
klinton said:
I will never agree with you and Pariah....and you all will never see my side of the issue, as you're too busy trying to uphold your church ordained agenda (which, yes, is all it amounts to).
Even at the bitterest moments of the original discussion (the previous 40-page topic) I still listen to your side, and voice my objections, and respond with, from my perspective, valid arguments.
And I'll take the "church ordained agenda" remark in stride.
Because regardless if you really believe that or not, I know it isn't true.
I've posted Bible verses only to demonstrate (on an as-raised basis) the inconsistency of remarks by those on the gay/liberal side who allege that Biblical objection to homosexuality does not exist.
The Bible does condemn homosexuality, clearly condemn it, chapter and verse ( I first posted these verses at the top of page 5 of the original topic).
It is absolutely not manufactured "just so Christians can hate the homos".
Quite the contrary, Christians don't want to condemn gays, they want to inform them and turn them away from practices that separate them from God, from a burdensome gay belief-system that keeps gays from living full and happy lives.
And I hasten to add:
adultery, in all its forms, is what the Bible condemns as one of the most detestable and severe acts against God, among the most severe manifestations of a society turning away from God, among the manifestations of end-time prophecy of a society headed for self-destruction.
NOT just homosexuality. But all forms of adultery, both heterosexual and homosexual.
Homosexual sex is merely one form of adultery.
So please, no one come back for the Nth time and falsely chide me for singling out homosexuals and not pointing out the Bible holds the same standard for heterosexuals.
I have made clear the same standard for both.
And I (and others) haven't merely raised RELIGIOUS objections to homosexuality.
I've also pointed out that no scientific study can conclusively prove that homosexuality is genetic.
(The other side has pointed out that no study can conclusively prove that homosexuality is not genetic. )
A stalemate on that aspect.
I've pointed out the scientific fact that homosexuality until 1973 was categorized by psychological/psychiatric professionals as a treatable mental disorder.
I've pointed out that many psychiatric studies (many by professionals who are homosexuals themselves) have shown that homosexuality is a treatable disorder, and that men and women have been treated for it, and gone on to enjoy normal heterosexual lives.
I merely point out here that both (1) those who endorse homosexuality as a normal condition, and
(2) those who treat homosexuality as an obsessive disorder have sample-study examples to support their arguments of people who live healthy, happy lives who have homosexual tendencies.
Examples of both, people who are treated as a having a disorder, and of those not treated who are happy and healthy.
And conversely, both sides can produce examples of unstable people, who have either suffered from treatment, or from non-treatment.
But at the same time, I pointed out the level of rage, smear and slander directed at those psychologists who seriously weigh the issue objectively, and how pro-gay activists wage an angry smear campaign to trash the reputation of any psychologists who treat homosexuality as a treatable mental illness.
And similar treatment of any person, reporter, news source, celebrity, corporation, or other organization, who publicly endorses seeking exploration of the issue beyond the pro-gay belief system.
(A gay belief-system. Which is, in truth, as faith-based as any religion.)
Regardless of what the pro-gay side would like to believe, there are valid studies for both sides of the issue, and I posted them.
The angry smear tactics against those who reject the politically correct pro-gay stance, and against those who sincerely weigh whether homosexuality is a treatable disorder, do nothing to help the pro-gay cause, and instead project the image of a gay holy war on progress, to silence their opposition through intimidation, not facts.
So... to sum up, my basis for not accepting homosexuality as something that is "normal" and "healthy" is NOT merely based on religious beliefs.
And I've supplied considerable documentation to back up my perspective.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Jeff Gannon said: Well, that one is easy.
the "gay agenda" is simply about wanting the freedom to be, to marry , to love without discrimination or inequality. And without condemnation.
Pariah's agenda on the other hand is all about judgement and inequality.
Under those circumstances, who in their right mind would want "understand" their viewpoints? Especially when it's almost exclusively non-gay people telling gay people what they feel and what their desires are and are not and speaking as if it's infallible truth simply because some nomads 5000 years ago declared it to be so.
I dunno..... If Pariah said that left handed people were displeasing to God and should be shunned and spoke with great authority about how it was unnatural, would you be so quick to try to "understand" his point of view?
That's some nice ad hominem there, "Pariah's agenda on the other hand is all about judgement and inequality."
"Left-handed people" and "nomads". Intersting analogies.
On page 4, there was an article regarding how gay people's brains react to scent in the same manner as women do. Well worth reading if not well worth attacking the science....
I don't usually bother with the articles you post Whomod, because as per usual, they're the very body of what you intend to be your argument when really it's just someone else's words plastered under a different call-sign. I'll adress your conviction however. I said this in the previous threads on homosexuality and I'll say it now: I'm open to the hypothesis that homosexuals are born with a brain deformation that dictates diverse sexual behavior. I do not, however, see how that changes the issue to a significant degree. From what I can tell, it's all together in the same category of psycological disease, just with a more absolute origin than the idea that homosexuality is an absorbed trait (one I'm a proponent of).
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klinton said: It doesn't hurt. Where did you get the idea that it does?
Another gay individual.
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You forgot this part, Pariah. Quote:
klinton said: It can...but that's only if you're nervous or not ready for it. This too is much like sex with a woman.
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Wonder Boy said: As I've made abundantly clear, state-sanctioned homosexualyity (i.e., gay marriage) immediately renders the ability to publicly read scripture condemning homosexuality a "hate crime".
Which, I guess is a fair enough fear. I for one often forget that just as there are religious extremists, there are going to be extremists on the opposite side as well.
But it doesn't really hold water.
If this were really the case, many passages would have been forbidden for thier references to the place that women and gentiles should serve. There are condemnations of races of people in the bible side by side with passages demeaning women....And we have yet to see these censored.
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Not all gay people practice anal sex. Neither do all straight couples. Go find a Goth pre-op Tranny who will accomadate your vampire kink. The sex won't seem so gay with a person who looks female in all other ways. That's why straight boys love trannies.
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
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Pariah said: I said this in the previous threads on homosexuality and I'll say it now: I'm open to the hypothesis that homosexuals are born with a brain deformation that dictates diverse sexual behavior. I do not, however, see how that changes the issue to a significant degree. From what I can tell, it's all together in the same category of psycological disease, just with a more absolute origin than the idea that homosexuality is an absorbed trait (one I'm a proponent of).
And I'll reply the same....that even the medical community doesn't recognize it as such. They clarified thier stance over thirty years ago (which is a long time in the relatively new attention that society is finally paying to it's homosexual population).
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klinton said:
Pariah said: From more than one source, I'm given the direct statement and reluctant admittance (from the author) that even monogamous anal sex, on a long enough timeline, causes lasting negative effects to the colon interior/anterior. And this isn't by uncommon accidents.
Where? I didn't see this.
http://www.ccicinc.org/policyresearch/072103.html Even those homosexual relationships that are loosely termed "monogamous" do not necessarily result in healthier behavior.
The journal AIDS reported that men involved in relationships engaged in anal intercourse and oral-anal intercourse with greater frequency than those without a steady partner.15 Anal intercourse has been linked to a host of bacterial and parasitical sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. The exclusivity of the relationship did not diminish the incidence of unhealthy sexual acts, which are commonplace among homosexuals. An English study published in the same issue of the journal AIDS concurred, finding that most "unsafe" sex acts among homosexuals occur in steady relationships.16
I am a gay man in a long term, monogamous relationship. I have never received anal sex before my current boyfriend, and have been extremely safe (condoms, lube, etc). We have both been tested for HIV and are negative, and I am a very clean, hygienic person. However, over the past few weeks, I have noticed a slight itching around my anus. In addition, I've been extremely sore underneath my testicles (prostate area?) and have recently started having very bad lower back pains. I am functioning completely normal (urine and feces) but have noticed that I now have a more intense urge to urinate, and more often than before (which I am assuming is normal). My boyfriend's penis is quite large and I was wondering if this was possibly doing any sort of internal damage to my prostate/inner organs.
Will participating in anal sex increase my chances of cancer or urinary tract infections? What can I do to ensure that I am taking all necessary safety precautions? Could the itching be caused by the lube or the condom (I highly doubt that it is a sexually transmitted disease, as we are both ABSOLUTELY not cheating on each other and have been tested)? Could you recommend any clinic I could go to to follow up on the lower back problems (very intense pain), and for a general checkup?
You really MUST get this sorted out at a Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic - as soon as possible. I don't know where you live, so I just advise you to ring your nearest large hospital, and ask where the clinic is.
Looking specifically at your problems: Itching round the bottom can be due to fungal infection, eczema, allergy, piles and other conditions. The GUM Clinic will diagnose it for you; The pain and urinary symptoms do suggest a possible prostate or bladder infection, though it's difficult to say whether that would be due to anal sex.
The GUM Clinic will do the necessary tests and give you treatment.
Please to note the commonality of UTI within the numbers of sexually active homosexuals.
Moreovem, modeling monogamous homosexual relations with straight ones, as homosexuals are prone to doing, it's pretty self-evident that if one was to go about anal penetration with as much regularity as is allowed and practiced by straight couples, the sphincter muscle would eventually suffer from a type of incompetence.
klinton said: It doesn't hurt. Where did you get the idea that it does?
Another gay individual.
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klinton said:
No, Pariah's not an ass.
He's a teenager.
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klinton said: You forgot this part, Pariah.
klinton said: It can...but that's only if you're nervous or not ready for it. This too is much like sex with a woman.
I didn't forget it. I ignored it. The guy I talked to is, apparently, more acquainted with sodomy. Your statement implies pain is mainly for the n00bs
magicjay38 said: Not all gay people practice anal sex. Neither do all straight couples.
Is this perhaps a denial that endorsing homosexual relationships carries undertones of encouragment towards the ideal that sodomy is a benign act?
klinton said: And I'll reply the same....that even the medical community doesn't recognize it as such. They clarified thier stance over thirty years ago (which is a long time in the relatively new attention that society is finally paying to it's homosexual population).
First you try to say to reason with me that outdated articles and medical analysis isn't enough to make a case against homosexual acts, now you tell me a set hypothesis made thirty years ago makes your own? 
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Jim Jackson said: No, Pariah's not an ass.
He's a teenager.
That's offensive.
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Pariah said:
http://www.ccicinc.org/policyresearch/072103.html Even those homosexual relationships that are loosely termed "monogamous" do not necessarily result in healthier behavior.
The journal AIDS reported that men involved in relationships engaged in anal intercourse and oral-anal intercourse with greater frequency than those without a steady partner.15 Anal intercourse has been linked to a host of bacterial and parasitical sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. The exclusivity of the relationship did not diminish the incidence of unhealthy sexual acts, which are commonplace among homosexuals. An English study published in the same issue of the journal AIDS concurred, finding that most "unsafe" sex acts among homosexuals occur in steady relationships.16
This is bullshit, and you know it...propaganda websites are, of course, known to be reputable sources of information. Intercourse perios has been linked to a host of sexually transmitted disease (nice use of the words 'parasitic' and 'bacterial' to give it an extra dirty feel).
I am a gay man in a long term, monogamous relationship. I have never received anal sex before my current boyfriend, and have been extremely safe (condoms, lube, etc). We have both been tested for HIV and are negative, and I am a very clean, hygienic person. However, over the past few weeks, I have noticed a slight itching around my anus. In addition, I've been extremely sore underneath my testicles (prostate area?) and have recently started having very bad lower back pains. I am functioning completely normal (urine and feces) but have noticed that I now have a more intense urge to urinate, and more often than before (which I am assuming is normal). My boyfriend's penis is quite large and I was wondering if this was possibly doing any sort of internal damage to my prostate/inner organs.
Will participating in anal sex increase my chances of cancer or urinary tract infections? What can I do to ensure that I am taking all necessary safety precautions? Could the itching be caused by the lube or the condom (I highly doubt that it is a sexually transmitted disease, as we are both ABSOLUTELY not cheating on each other and have been tested)? Could you recommend any clinic I could go to to follow up on the lower back problems (very intense pain), and for a general checkup?
You really MUST get this sorted out at a Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic - as soon as possible. I don't know where you live, so I just advise you to ring your nearest large hospital, and ask where the clinic is.
Looking specifically at your problems: Itching round the bottom can be due to fungal infection, eczema, allergy, piles and other conditions. The GUM Clinic will diagnose it for you; The pain and urinary symptoms do suggest a possible prostate or bladder infection, though it's difficult to say whether that would be due to anal sex.
The GUM Clinic will do the necessary tests and give you treatment.
Please to note the commonality of UTI within the numbers of sexually active homosexuals.
Moreovem, modeling monogamous homosexual relations with straight ones, as homosexuals are prone to doing, it's pretty self-evident that if one was to go about anal penetration with as much regularity as is allowed and practiced by straight couples, the sphincter muscle would eventually suffer from a type of incompetence.
This is an isolated incidence..,and not a common infection, and you know it (having to source it from a UK publication rather than a local example). There are many, many similar examples that happen within the vagina...directly linked to intercourse.
And it is not 'self evident' that anal intercourse will lead to incompetance. You will not find a medical journal anywhere that will state that (except maybe on one of your little religious propaganda sites).
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Pariah said:
Jim Jackson said: No, Pariah's not an ass.
He's a teenager.
That's offensive.
So are you!
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
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I think rather than "incompetence," I think he means "incontinence."
And frankly, yes, I have heard this as well, that men or women who have spend years having receptive anal intercourse do run the risk of loss of sphincter control.
To me, though, that isn't the issue. To me, it doesn't make anal intercourse wrong, it just makes it something that gay men should do judiciously.
One can also argue that women, after delivering several children, can also become "loose." Does this mean that heterosexual intercourse is wrong because it leads to damage of the female body? Of course not. One can also argue that the human mouth was not "designed" to be receptive to a penis. Does this mean that gay and str8 men should stop receiving oral sex? I would find it interesting to see Pariah get on a soapbox about "banning the BJ" to all str8n men.
Also, Pariah's use of the term "brain deformation" w.r.t. differences between gays and str8s is telling. But then, we've known for a long time that he's not a PFLAG kinda guy.
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klinton said: This is bullshit, and you know it...propaganda websites are, of course, known to be reputable sources of information. Intercourse perios has been linked to a host of sexually transmitted disease (nice use of the words 'parasitic' and 'bacterial' to give it an extra dirty feel).
The sight may have a Christian slant, but I don't see anything there that's false. And as for the term use: Are you gonna tell me the most commonly contracted diseases between homosexuals aren't parasitic and bacterial? (Don't answer that.)
There are many, many similar examples that happen within the vagina...directly linked to intercourse.
Of course there are, but certainly not as easily or commonly contracted. Plus, most of those diseases involve promiscuous sex in the case of straight women and the vaginal organ, whilst this situation wasn't of the like.
And it is not 'self evident' that anal intercourse will lead to incompetance.
Heh. Yes, it is. It doesn't take a genius to understand the systematic loosening of a muscle.
You will not find a medical journal anywhere that will state that (except maybe on one of your little religious propaganda sites).
What precisely makes you so damn sure?
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Pariah said:
I didn't forget it. I ignored it. The guy I talked to is, apparently, more acquainted with sodomy. Your statement implies pain is mainly for the n00bs
No. It applies to any time you have sex. Ask a woman if it's okay to ram you penis into her before she's ready...That hurts. It's the same with your anus.
First you try to say to reason with me that outdated articles and medical analysis isn't enough to make a case against homosexual acts, now you tell me a set hypothesis made thirty years ago makes your own?
It's not a hypothosis made thirty years ago...it's the community standard since then. It remains the same today. Only zealots like yourself feel this way.
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Pariah said: What precisely makes you so damn sure?
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Jim Jackson said:
To me, though, that isn't the issue. To me, it doesn't make anal intercourse wrong, it just makes it something that gay men should do judiciously.
If this is the collective opinion of most homosexuals, they should stop trying to use straight couples as analogous examples.
One can also argue that women, after delivering several children, can also become "loose." Does this mean that heterosexual intercourse is wrong because it leads to damage of the female body? Of course not.
The loosening of the vagina doesn't dictate an obstruction of natural function of the female body.
One can also argue that the human mouth was not "designed" to be receptive to a penis. Does this mean that gay and str8 men should stop receiving oral sex? I would find it interesting to see Pariah get on a soapbox about "banning the BJ" to all str8n men.
Since I try to speak as secularly as possible, I focus on the aspects of the homosexual issue that pose the most problematic features; this is why I focus on homosexuals males moreso than women--However, I do adamantly discourage lesbianism as well. Anywho, oral sex hasn't showed much of a problem; until these cancer suspicions, or some other adverse effect caused by BJs, prove truthful, you won't hear anything from me.
Also, Pariah's use of the term "brain deformation" w.r.t. differences between gays and str8s is telling. But then, we've known for a long time that he's not a PFLAG kinda guy.
I wasn't trying to be inflammatory; "deformation" is a technically accurate term since the brain-signals wouldn't actually correspond with the structure of the body all that efficiently.
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Jim Jackson said: I think rather than "incompetence," I think he means "incontinence."
And frankly, yes, I have heard this as well, that men or women who have spend years having receptive anal intercourse do run the risk of loss of sphincter control.
To me, though, that isn't the issue. To me, it doesn't make anal intercourse wrong, it just makes it something that gay men should do judiciously.
One can also argue that women, after delivering several children, can also become "loose." Does this mean that heterosexual intercourse is wrong because it leads to damage of the female body? Of course not. One can also argue that the human mouth was not "designed" to be receptive to a penis. Does this mean that gay and str8 men should stop receiving oral sex? I would find it interesting to see Pariah get on a soapbox about "banning the BJ" to all str8n men.
Also, Pariah's use of the term "brain deformation" w.r.t. differences between gays and str8s is telling. But then, we've known for a long time that he's not a PFLAG kinda guy.
Oh to be so young (again) and so brash (again)!
I rather like the idea of incompetent colons. Next time you fart in a crowd, you can attribute it to that incompetent colon.
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde
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You know pariah, I love doing drag and have a pretty good rack myself. By me the outfit and I can make that Vampire Tranny thing happen for you! You can be on top! javascript:void(0)
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde
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Pariah said:
this is why I focus on homosexuals males moreso than women
Look up "reaction formation" and see what you think about that.
I wasn't trying to be inflammatory; "deformation" is a technically accurate term since the brain-signals wouldn't actually correspond with the structure of the body all that efficiently.
You will have to demonstrate to me that "deformation" is technically accurate in the biopsych literature.
"Structural difference" is often associated with the anatomical differences between gays and str8s.
And regarding loss of function resulting from childbirth...many men complain that their wives vaginas arent' as tight after several children and that this results in a reduction in their sexual pleasure/satisfaction. This, thus, is a resultant loss of function from heterosexual sex.
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klinton said: No. It applies to any time you have sex. Ask a woman if it's okay to ram you penis into her before she's ready...That hurts. It's the same with your anus.
Obviously. But it was clear that my question revolved around the idea that it was neophytic homosexuals who experienced pain more than experienced ones. In any event, because that's pretty irrelevent, my main point, which was lost, is that when you highlighted my statement that pain was unwanted, you didn't actually bother to argue that the pain isn't even there in the first place. And that made me dubious
It's not a hypothosis made thirty years ago...it's the community standard since then. It remains the same today. Only zealots like yourself feel this way.

Do you realize that when you get desperate, you start denominating any sort of sensical point from your arguments? You just sit there and say, "My side's word is the end all be all of the subject!" it makes all those knee-jerk arguments about The Vatican 'slowing down pragmatism' seem even more cheap and pointless than they were before. SECULARISTS. DO NOT. HAVE. A MONOPOLY. IN SCIENTIFIC FIELDS&PRACTICE. And even so, not all secularist scientists agree with you, let alone secularists-period.
Jim Jackson said: Look up "reaction formation" and see what you think about that.
Should I take this to mean that you think my arguments are totally fueled by religion or that I have latent homosexual urges?
You will have to demonstrate to me that "deformation" is technically accurate in the biopsych literature.
*shrug* The typical schematic of an individual's mental structure is diverse of other organisms expectant within the collective species. It could be classified as a type of anamoly. If, however, you're that offended, I'll use your term.
And regarding loss of function resulting from childbirth...many men complain that their wives vaginas arent' as tight after several children and that this results in a reduction in their sexual pleasure/satisfaction. This, thus, is a resultant loss of function from heterosexual sex.
Yeah, true, but aside from sex, a not so crucial to living act, it doesn't actually inconvience her bodily functions. The vagina is reminescent of the urethra or the shincter.
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Pariah said:
Jim Jackson said: Look up "reaction formation" and see what you think about that.
Should I take this to mean that you think my arguments are totally fueled by religion or that I have latent homosexual urges?
It has nothing to do with the former, just the latter.
You rail against homosexuality an awfully lot. As a psychologist, it makes me wonder if you do have some homosexual interests that you aren't consciously aware of.
*shrug* The typical schematic of an individual's mental structure is diverse of other organisms expectant within the collective species. It could be classified as a type of anamoly. If, however, you're that offended, I'll use your term.
Well, put yourself in my place. How would you like YOUR brain described as having a DEFORMATION or an ANAMOLY?
There are times you are so callous with your disregard for the fact that you are talking about the LIVES of other human beings! Maybe this discussion is some academic exercise for you, but for others of us, it's personal because it references aspects of our lives, our humanity.
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Okay. Alright. Fine.
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Pariah said:
Do you realize that when you get desperate, you start denominating any sort of sensical point from your arguments? You just sit there and say, "My side's word is the end all be all of the subject!" it makes all those knee-jerk arguments about The Vatican 'slowing down pragmatism' seem even more cheap and pointless than they were before. SECULARISTS. DO NOT. HAVE. A MONOPOLY. IN SCIENTIFIC FIELDS&PRACTICE. And even so, not all secularist scientists agree with you, let alone secularists-period.
I'm not even close to desperate...Just annoyed. I hate people who veiw the world like you.
CHURCHES HAVE NO PLACE IN DEFINING PUBLIC POLICY....and even less place in diagnosing mental conditions (demonic possesions, anyone?). Sorry, but it's just the way it is. Faith is private thing. And if it makes your life better, power to you. But my relationship with God is none of your concern. Nor your church's.
Not all psychologists will agree with me, no. But the vast majority does. The few crackpots that subscribe to your line of thinking are few and far between. The ones that are respected in thier field are even more of an anomaly.
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I agree, Klinton..Churches have no place in defining public policy..but they do it anyway..and remember, there is only ONE line in the Bible denouncing homosexual acts..but many take that one line to it's extreme meaning and use it as an excuse to hate..In a book where, if the Bible had to be summed up in just THREE words, it would be : Love One another.
Very sad.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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wannabuyamonkey said:
Finally the hermaphrodites get some time! 
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"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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Beardguy57 said: I agree, Klinton..Churches have no place in defining public policy..but they do it anyway..and remember, there is only ONE line in the Bible denouncing homosexual acts...
That's actually not the case, li'l buddy. There are many.
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Ugh! Klinton, that ONE line about " If a man Layeth with a man as he layeth with a woman it is an abomonation. " is MORE than enough for me!!!! Just how many ARE there???? 
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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You may want to check out "What the Bible really says about homosexuality" Beardguy57. Quote:
Editorial Reviews From Library Journal Helminiak, a Roman Catholic priest, has done careful reading in current biblical scholarship about homosexuality. While cautioning against viewing biblical teaching as "the last word on sexual ethics," he stresses the need for accurate understanding of what the biblical "facts" are and concludes that "the Bible supplies no real basis for the condemnation of homosexuality." Using the studies of Yale historian John Boswell (Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, LJ 7/94), New Testament seminary professor L. William Countryman, and others, Helminiak examines the story of Sodom (where the sin was inhospitality), Jude's decrying sex with angels, and five texts-Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, Romans 1:27, I Corinthians 6:9, and I Timothy 1:10-all of which, he concludes, "are concerned with something other than homogenital activity itself." Highly recommended for all libraries.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/det...ks&n=507846 It covers all the Bible references that get used & abused.
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klinton said:
the G-man said: With all due respect, klinton, even assuming that to be true, how is their failure to see your viewpoint because of their "church ordained agenda" any different than your failure to see their viewpoint due to your "biologically ordained" agenda?
I agree. The major difference is that I am not trying to limit thier ability to practice thier religion. The same cannot be said for thier agenda. They expect everyone to conform to the mandates of thier church...to the exclusion of any disenting opinions. My wish is merely to be left alone, free to live as I see fit.
It's a huge difference.
You keep saying Christians are the only ones against gay marriage, yet there are other religions that disagree with it also. I'm sure there are those that aren't religous that disagree with it as well. But that wouldn't keep you from accusing Christians as being the ones deadset against gay marriage, or the gay lifestyle.
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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Batwoman said: You keep saying Christians are the only ones against gay marriage, yet there are other religions that disagree with it also. I'm sure there are those that aren't religous that disagree with it as well. But that wouldn't keep you from accusing Christians as being the ones deadset against gay marriage, or the gay lifestyle.
That's not what I said at all. I was talking about the posters in here...not the world at large.
And I thought I asked you not to speak to me again. I meant that.
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Actually many Christians are fine with gay marriage & homosexuality in general.
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Beardguy57 said: I agree, Klinton..Churches have no place in defining public policy..but they do it anyway..and remember, there is only ONE line in the Bible denouncing homosexual acts..but many take that one line to it's extreme meaning and use it as an excuse to hate..In a book where, if the Bible had to be summed up in just THREE words, it would be : Love One another.
Very sad.
What the Bible has to say about homosexualtiy, as found on allaboutgod.com
What is biblical homosexuality?
Does biblical homosexuality exist? Is there a type of homosexuality that is more acceptable to God then other forms, perhaps a more Bible-based form of homosexuality?
What do supporters of biblical homosexuality teach? Are their views in line with the Bible?
Biblical homosexuality teaches that some people are born homosexuals while others are born heterosexual. According to the proponents of biblical homosexuality, homosexuality is not a lifestyle or a choice.
God shows no partiality. God accepts homosexuals and encourages them to continue in these activities.
Homosexuality is a gift from God. As long as it is based in love, it is perfectly natural.
The word "homosexuality" did not exist in Bible times, therefore how can the Bible say it is a sin? Homosexuality did exist in Bible times. In fact, the Bible is very clear that homosexuality is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 1 Corinthians 6:9). The Bible says that homosexuality comes as a result of disobeying God. Romans 1:26-27 says, "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."
Other verses say that homosexuals cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says, "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders."
Will God accept a homosexual who comes to Him for salvation? Absolutely! Homosexuality is a sin like any other sin and God's forgiveness is just as much available to that person than to someone who lies, worships idols, commits adultery, etc. However, once a person is a child of God, they will no longer continue in a lifestyle of sin. God promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
Gay Christians - What Does the Bible Say? Openly gay men appointed to high office in the church - is this something Christians should be shocked by, or a cultural openness we should all embrace? There was a time when the very idea would have been treated with alarm and denial, but today the numbers of people who claim to love Christ while living in homosexuality are growing. What is the truth? What does God have to say about gays and gay Christians?
Can a person love God and disobey His Word? And is homosexuality an act of disobedience? What does the Bible really say? The Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that those who fall into homosexuality do so as a result of denying and disobeying God. When a person continues in sin and disbelief, God "gives them over" to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God.
Gay Christians - How Great a Sin? Homosexuality is just one of many possible sins we can be mastered by. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexual "offenders" will not inherit the kingdom of God. Homosexuality is not a "greater" sin than any other. All sin is offensive to God. Homosexuality is just one of the many things listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that will keep a person from the kingdom of God. God's forgiveness is just as available to the homosexual as it is to an adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17). The key is to believe His Word, believe He has a perfect will and purpose for your life, to acknowledge wrong thoughts, attitudes and behavior, to ask Him for strength to resist temptation and then to act on that faith.
Gay is a word that used to mean joyfully happy - and for those "gays" who turn to Christ and repent of this lifestyle, gay can mean joyfully happy again! Genesis 1:26&27 tell us that God created mankind (that means all people) in His own image. Revelation 4:11 tells us that God's motivation for creating all the things He created was because… He wanted to! All mankind was created by and for the pleasure of God. He loves us that much! These words testify to the fact that every single individual matters to God.
With that in mind, when the Bible takes a strong stand against a particular behavior, attitude or action, we need to pay special attention! God is our loving Creator and Heavenly Father. His purposes are never to divide us or cause us to turn away from Him, but are always to show us the way to wholeness and health. Many say that the Bible is a guidebook for life, an owner's manual if you will. Why would an owner's manual tell you not to use a certain grade of motor oil unless that motor oil would damage the engine? It's the same with God's Word, but with infinitely greater, vastly eternal consequences.
Gay Christians - What's Wrong with Welcoming All Lifestyles Today's trend to accept all lifestyles and behavior as OK is not OK with God. We all want to feel like we are normal and worthy of love - so consider who or what is really telling us that anything we want to do is OK, and then consider the consequences: broken homes, abused, confused children, shattered lives. Is that what a loving Father would want for His children? God loves us and He knows what will hurt us. He is a protective Father who does not want His babies to be hurt! Listen to His Word. If you are caught in this sin or any other, consider carefully what He is saying to your heart.
Gay Christians - What Do You Think? Are you a gay Christian? Are you a believer who is trapped in homosexuality? Do you think it's OK? Think again, please, for your own sake and for the sake of those who love you. Consider the Word of God. He did not make us male and female for no reason. Look at the way life is created, whether it is an electric current, a kitten or a baby boy or girl. It takes both components, the male and female, connected, to make life.
Don't you want to know why you're here? Don't you want to know what your purpose in life is? Then please don't be blinded by the lies of a clever enemy whose only goal is your destruction. Come to the Savior who gave His life to set you free from all sin.
What are some causes of homosexuality?
Trying to determine a cause of homosexuality can be confusing. There are countless speculating Internet pages, medical studies, and religious exposés on the subject. They proclaim the causes to be genetics, hormonal imbalance, reincarnation, sexual abuse, prenatal hormone defect, or lack of bonding with a same-sex parent. The one commonality among them is they are all unproven theories.
The American Psychiatric Association reports "There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology [cause or origin] for homosexuality." The APA further states "No specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse."
All indications are that homosexuality is a choice. Making a choice is a decision in the mind that too often originates in the heart from feelings. However, laws and moral standards are not set in place based on feelings or emotions. The solid foundation for our laws and standards are based on God's principles.
The standards of God are given for our well-being and best interest. He is the omniscient and omnipotent supreme Deity. We must recognize that it's not about what we say (or feel) but what God says. Hebrews 13:8 says God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has not changed His mind.
The example of sexual sin in Sodom and Gomorrah is given as a warning for all generations (Genesis 18:20-21; 19:4-5, 24-25). God does not like sexual perversion and says, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable" (Leviticus 18:22). And it is an abomination to turn away from God's law (Proverbs 28:9).
There are many reports from former homosexuals saying that they have "come out" of that lifestyle. One platform used is Love Won Out one-day conferences that are held in cities across the United States. The speakers include educators, counselors, and ex-homosexuals who boldly publicize that people can change.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…" (Romans 12:2). We are to take control of our thoughts; bring them into captivity to obey God (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.